Scepter of Undead


Forged from the depths of Davy Jones Locker, but was kept a secret among the spirits.

Tier: UT
MP Cost: 75
Damage: 175
Range: 9.5
Targets: 9
Stat Bonus: +2 ATT
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 475


  • Ghost Ship

5…4…3…2…1 THROW IN ALL OF YOUR CRITIZISMS (my genius spelling :D)


Do we really need another scepter though?

Other than that I think it’s OK.


I mean… sorcerer’s are getting pretty crappy treatment as far as UT’s so it’s nice to see someone is showing them a little love.


Ghost Ship doesn’t have a white though…


Considering Deca added a ut shield, which there were 2 of already (yes, snake skin counts), don’t see why scepter shouldn’t. I get knight is popular, but that shouldn’t make a difference in other classes


Meh, I don’t really know… I love the sorcerer, and I would love to get new abilities for it, but this item seems to just be between honey scepter and fulmi. I don’t know what to think about it, but I’m sure we don’t need a buffed honey scepter. (yeah, 1 less target, but does that make really any difference?)

Also I don’t see any link between the scepter style and the effect.


not accusing you of anything but the first thing I noticed is the sprite kinda looks like this:

as for the stats, this is totally f***ing worthless. you’re never actually going to notice hitting the 9th enemy (assuming you’re even attacking that many).


I agree with @Endertimes. This is really just a halfway point between a T5/6 scepter and the Honey Scepter. And @Xaklor is also correct. 8, 9, 10 enemies, what’s difference? It’s not a horrible design, but it’s kind of a pointless white bag item.


not sure if anyone has actually looked at this, but an increase in enemies is ok b/c the range has also increased, thus easier to hit enemies further away.


I’m not sure if a .5 difference with the fulmi would do anything really. But that might be a good idea to make a scepter with less damage, more targets and much more range.


yes, which is basically what this idea is

i like it generally. Although i didnt give a like… b/c the presentation was off.


what bag does it drop?
add some more stat bonuses like paralyze or something
and how many targets does this hit
pls more detail.


The range and the targets are indicated. There’s already a slowing wand that is pretty OP, we don’t want any other slowing, paralysing… Wand.


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