Seal of Unholy Demons


I’m back and hopefully more prepared to make a better item than last time. Introducing a new UT Seal idea…

###The Seal of Unholy Demons
A blood-coated seal that was supposed to be destroyed eons ago. Using it requires extreme levels of bravery.


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 95
  • Duration: 4.0 seconds (IF Wisdom < 30), 4.0 + ((2xWis)/75) (IF Wisdom ≥ 30)
  • Cooldown: 5 seconds
  • Range: 4.5 Sqrs (IF Wisdom < 30), 4.5 + ((3xWis)/100) (IF Wisdom ≥ 30)
  • Party Effect: Healing, Damaging, Increased maximum HP by 75 (IF Wisdom < 30), 75 + Wis/2 (IF Wisdom ≥ 30)
  • Effect on Self: Damaging, Increased maximum HP by 75 (IF Wisdom < 30), 75 + Wis/2 (IF Wisdom ≥ 30), Heal Self by (Damage to enemies/20)
  • Stat Bonus: +3 WIS, +3 SPD
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 500

####Drops From:

  • Archdemon Malphas (1/2th the rate of DBlade)
  • Shaitan the Advisor (More common than skull)

####More info
This seal acts as a normal T5/T6 seal for it’s party effects, although if you want to heal yourself you need to engage in combat. This means it needs to have a swapout at the ready, because if you are very low on HP it is useless since you risk dying in order to regain HP. This is a great seal for rushing, since you can recover HP as you run past enemies and it gives +3 SPD. A great example of this would be the Abyss of Demons, which is the current proposed drop location. With the damaging buff and a Sword of Acclaim, you do about 550 damage per shot. For every one of these that lands, you heal 27.5, rounded up to 28 HP. This seal is also practically useless at lower levels, because of your low damage output.

Please leave any and all suggestions on balancing this item below! Feedback is greatly appreciated to make this the best (and most balanced) item it can be!

Edit #1: Changed proposed drop location/rate
Edit #2: Changed in-game description to be shorter

Thank you all! <3

Weapon/Ability Spriting contest

i like the concept of the seal, i just dont get what the dmg you speak of? is that the dmg of the weapon u are using?

is the normal one a progresive scale? this should be too if it is.

but dont you get your healing bonus still?


Woah, a seal that actually makes the player get off their butts and do something?
Might want to increase the heal or something a bit due to the fact that you HAVE to fight to heal.
So this is a sort of skull/seal? Pretty nice combo.
All-in-all it seems great. Unique but it doesn’t stray too far from its roots.


I love the sprite of this seal, although the name

seems a bit redundant. All demons are unholy, as they come from Hell. I’d suggest something like


I am a huge fan of the vampiric heal aspect of this, as well.


seems to be quite good


Cool item design. Name is a bit off, and I don’t think it should drop from Malphas, but still a great concept.

I’d actually like to see this implemented in the game. It makes the Pally sort of Necro-esque, but it’s still unique.


This idea is really nice, i could see using this in coordination with Indomptable’s piercing qualities to make a really strong pally. I like how it meshes perfectly with the paladin’s damaging as well, so you get more HP than if you were, say, a knight. (Which i just died on because I thought there was another knight stunning O2 :frowning: ) But why would you make the drop rate lower than DBlade? Make it the same. It would [1] MAKE THE ABYSS GREAT AGAIN! [2] Give the paladin a whole new, MUCH more aggressive playstyle and [3] Give RotMG another really cool looking sprite. 500 FP seems a bit low though, although it is somewhat situational depending on your overall playstyle even EP has 600. Do you really want this thing to be worth less to your pet than an EP?

Anyways, liked this.


I love the idea of this seal. It is one of the most original new items I have seen!

Props to you for making an awesome seal!

However, I think that the duration should be buffed just a little bit because you need to attack people to heal.


i see five people saying its great, but only 2 likes…

after reading it 10 times, and understanding a bit more, i think that this ability should have a more useful way to be effective to weaker weaponed players.


The usual thing: :smiley:


I’m pretty sure that anyone with a UT seal would prob not have weak weapons.


What? Getting white bags is all luck and if my friend can get a bracer on his pre assassin with t3 poison and t6 dagger anyone can get an abyss white


Someone suggested that it should drop in a tougher dungeon like Shaitans or something, and not many noobs manage to make it that far in those kind of things.
So I was basing my comment off of that.


Huh, that’s odd. I thought I left a Like earlier.


ehh, comes back and there is 5more likes now


Hmm. I feel offended.


What if you made it a Seal of Holy Demons?


Cool :slight_smile: I love the life steal aspect of it :dagger:


I think the description is a little long…

  • I really don’t fell like reading the WIS modifiers, but I’m assuming they’re the same as tiered for the most part, right?
  • Feels similar to a necromancer, but the description gives off the same mysterious feeling so it matches well.
  • Feels like a good fit for a melee class.

Why not add the Heal Self by (Damage/20) as a party effect (instead of healing), individuality of course, and possibly at reduced rate (Damage/40 maybe?), I don’t see any problems arising from that, except maybe doom bow. It sounds like such a universal effect most classes could benefit from. (well except necromancer) Perhaps something to think about

Apart from that good job on a good idea.


…i just saw you comment on my spell? did you read the more info?