Shatters Clothes?


Hey everyone! I got an idea: Shatters clothes.
Most of the Shatters enemies are Stone, for example Stone Mage, Stone Paladin etc.
It would be very cool, if u could get Stone Clothes from shatters.
Also, I think, that it would be better, if they dropped from enemies,
not from Bosses or their Test Chests,
to prevent leechers from getting it. They should be rare.
What do u think?


Person 1: “Great idea!”

Person 2: “Sure! But aren’t we missing something?”

Person 3: “Yeah, you’re right, wait, i think i remember!”


No srsly tho, make the sprites and then post the idea, I like the idea, but with nothing to judge, what’s the point?


Chill rammernaut I making some


I have made 1, but I don’t know how to print screen on this f*ckin APPLE computer…



Inferno cloth

Blizzard cloth

Tell me what you think, i’m making more


I like them. Can you make some stone clothes? :smile: I’m not good at painting…


Some kind of blobomb thingy


I dont like these too…

Try to do something like this.

You can try to add some moss on it, like the Stone Knight and the Tower has:


Blobombs not bad.


Person 5: this is game breaking in some weird ass unratiinal way


Person 6: “Your view is invalid because you misspelled ‘unrational’ and that’s not even a word because it’s ‘irrational’”

Oh wait that person is me…


cool idea.

less cool

way less cool due to exploitability :confused:

I think they should drop from the bosses, and have full sets like the Twilight archmage wizzy. I would love an entire Forgotten king ST set.


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