Should Dagger Classes Have Higher Vit with IC/OoC?


Title. Vit is now less random a stat - classes that have to be closer to enemies should have higher vitality. Melees already enjoy this, I think the measly vit dagger classes share with other classes that can stay much farther away makes less sense now. What do you think?

Edit: Just to supplement, there is a counterargument that dagger classes are built around staying away from the heat of the action via their abilities - I still think they deserve a boost in vit so they can play more engagingly.

  • Don’t change their vitality
  • Increase their vitality

0 voters


I think dagger classes are, in general, understated. They get max speed and dex compared to other classes, but that is pretty much it. So this seems reasonable.


I think that perhaps Assassin could get slightly higher vit - perhaps 45, like Bard, and maybe Trickster as well…but I think Rogue deserves to stay squishy.
However, I think it would be fair to give Rogue some sort of offensive buff as compensation.
Be this through a new function for tiered cloaks or a max stat increase (say, 55 or 60 ATT).


Yeah, we have to buff my boy assassin!


Personally I don’t think dagger classes need higher vit as they are all designed to not be hit, so them being in combat longer than other classes isn’t bad.
Think… Assassin has a super safe damaging ability that can, if timed right, even get through invulnerability. Rogue can turn invisible, during which no enemies will attack him. Trickster creates a decoy to distract enemies and teleports out of the way of bullets or charging enemies


True, but sin is still the one with no real tools to stay/get in safely the way Rogue and Trickster can.
With some new parameters for ObjectToss (and by extension, PoisonGrenade) that can limit the distance you can throw something (see both Divinity and Oryx’s Escutcheon), I think it would bee neat if Assassin leaned more into closer-range dagger play. Pair a smaller throw range with a big ol’ damage buff to poisons and Assassin might become…slightly less broken, and hopefully stronger, as a result.
Though that’s purely theoretical.


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