Should katanas be buffed?


It recently came to my attention that the Masamune has almost the same damage as the wand of recompense, while having about half the range. The damage of Masamune is 135-180 while recomp is 130-175. I understand that the ninja and samurai have better defensive armors and offensive stats then the priest and sorcerer, but it doesn’t really feel right to me. What do you guys think? Is it fine as it is, or is this something deca should look into?

Just a whole lotta polls



I think that the wand buff was just too much . . . I feel that sorc is just a better dps class that wizard right now, even if that isn’t widely agreed on. The single shot makes dealing with high defense much easier, piercing helps when facing screening minions or multiple opponents, and the 60 max speed is much more valuable for staying alive in the end game than a marginal dps boost. Not to mention that the sorc has 75 max vit now, which really helps mitigate the in combat pet debuff. They may have gutted the utility of the priest for large groups, but wand classes are stronger than ever.

I am not sure what a good solution is. Katanas are significantly weaker than swords, so perhaps there is room for a damage buff for them. I just worry about too much power creep with so many dps buffs.


Im not a RotMG game designer, but Im pretty sure having more than double the range, is worth loosing 5 damage.

(Also t13 katana and t14 do scale better than wands, but this is ridiculous lmao)

More power creep ftw!


as much as I love samurai and ninja, I do think that katana’s need to be buffed. not only do tiered wands (up to tier 12) rival tiered katanas, but tiered daggers do as well (as in, they rival katanas, if not better). idk if you guys know about this, but the AVERAGE damage per shot of a t12 katana and a t12 dagger are IDENTICAL. not only that, but this also applies to t13 katanas/daggers AND t14 katanas/daggers. all their average damages are exactly the same.

this means that a trickster’s and ninja’s (with just t14 weapons equipped) DPS should be nearly the same. I say this because trickster has 65 att and 75 dex, and ninja has 70 att and 70 dex (their total amount of offensive stats are the same). here’s the graph from haizor

not only do i think that katanas need a buff, maybe even desirely, but i think deca themselves may have said somethin along the lines of “less range should equal more damage” (in respects to the weapon, not the class). not entirely sure if im quoting right, so take it with a grain of salt. but even so, i think the majority of the player base should agree with that statement. if you are risking yourself to “get in”, then the weapon you’re using should have a higher average damage output per shot. the further away means you should deal less average damage per shot because you’re not risking yourself nearly as much. keep in mind tho, this is all referring to how all tiered weapons should properly function (in my opinion).

it should go:
Bows (might be tricky cuz they have 3 shots),
Staffs (also might be tricky cuz they have 2 shots)

the average damage PER SHOT of tiered weapons should follow a simple equation: the deeper you’re in, the higher the average damage per shot.

as of right now: wands, daggers, and katanas almost have the same exact average damage per shot. idk bout yall, but i think that’s no bueno considering the fact that both daggers and wands have a higher range than katanas.


Tiered weapons need revisions in their entirety.
The tricky part of scaling them, from my point of view, is how piercing should affect the damage relative to a weapon’s range - as I’d visualize it for myself:

  • Wands - Highest range and piercing, therefore, lowest damage
  • Staves - High range, no piercing, therefore, damage (slightly) above wands
  • Bows - Medium-high range, piercing, therefore, damage above wands
  • Daggers - Medium range, no piercing, therefore, damage above bows.
  • Katanas - Medium-low range, piercing, therefore, damage slightly above daggers.
  • Swords - Low range, no piercing, therefore, highest damage.

The tricky part here would be to rebalance them around already-set health values and offensive stats - the latter of which have also aged not too well. I mean, really, a 2 attack difference means your weapon deals about 4% more damage per shot, and 2 dex means shooting about 0.17 shots per second more.
The differences just aren’t quite big enough until you start getting in the 10+ region, where you’ll already have at least two slots dedicated to DPS items.

Bleh, enough off-topiccing - the point is, I’d prefer if we’d get a dedicated patch that reconsiders specifically tiered weapons.
yes I want my single shot tiered bows with Void Bow getting armor-piercing triple shot or somefin


starts to panic


sadly i wont have any void bow til i can do voids meaning not before another endgame dungeon gets added


Piercing tiered swords when ??


they were released a long time ago, when lod was released


No one cared tho, so its as if they didnt exist


Sorc is a better class overall but not really a better class if the only metric is dps. Sorc is only outdamaging wizard at high defense (and the abilities do less damage for the most part too).With the amount of armor break and expose in the game, wizard is still better from a pure dps standpoint.


One thing that really bugs me is how hard discords sleep on sorc’s damage. You CANNOT hit a perfect spellbomb everytime. In fact, most of the time the boss is inbetween 2 tiles so you only hit like 1/3 of your spell. You know what doesn’t care about tiles placement? Scepters. Devastation will always hit the full 1k damage. And it chains. Also consider that sometimes when you shoot as wizzy you only hit half your staff shots. Sorc has more range AND pierce.

Yeah, wizzy in ideal situations will outdamage sorc, but from my experience I can run cults and general dungeons faster on my sorc than wizzy. I hate how discords ban sorc or require Lumiare to bring him into a run- people need to give sorc a chance.


There’s your problem - discords suck the soul out of the game.


i’d rather do chains in discords than look for freshly opened realms for hours on end for 1 weapon


@Imivan more hackers in discords. Always a perfect spellbomb.

@Twitchystr The dilemma of choosing between discord and the endless hours of literally JUST searching for a desired dungeon. Both scenarios are extremely dull and drive me insane.


I agree and I noticed the same a while ago. Thing is, by buffing Katanas they will most likely be too close to swords (which don’t pierce) and then swords will be buffed again because they are too weak compared to katanas, then perhaps staves too because they’re too close to wands and they dont pierce. After all of this, Wands will be the lowest dps weapons again and people will stop using the wand classes because they are not DPS enough just like before, repeating the same problem over and over again.

If anything, Tiered weapons need a complete overhaul but that can be tough due to how the classes and their damage outputs along with abilities and stats are structured right now.

It’s like a castle of cards.


Hmm. That has to be the reason I never argued that! GOOD point.


Let’s try and keep this on topic pls


I’ve been thinking about this for a while now (cuz I keep seeing the thread but not commenting) and I’ve gotten to thinking the following:

how much of this situation came from wands actually being too weak, and how much of this situation came from the playerbase being dps brainwashed for so long that they legitimately think that wizard paladin and warrior are the only viable classes and that it takes such a dramatic upheaval to get these pea brains to try branching out?

hilariously enough, from you guys it sounds like they still haven’t branched out despite wands being straight-up broken. I’d be willing to bet at this point these people don’t actually care about game balance, they just want the strongest character and they’ll keep picking it no matter what else happens until something even more broken comes along, then they’ll only pick that character from then on and complain how everything else is “too weak”. heaven forbid we ever entertain the idea that maybe the strongest characters are actually too strong.

I think I’m adding this to my enormous list of reasons why rotmg sucks (assuming it wasn’t on there to begin with cuz it’s pretty long), the playerbase doesn’t actually care about balance and deca’s way too out of touch to understand what balance would look like. let’s just scream at deca that everything is simultaneously way too strong and uselessly weak and wait until they do something completely unexpected and then piss all over their shoes that they did something stupid again. this is definitely a healthy relationship between playerbase and developer and I definitely don’t think about cutting myself ha ha.

yes I’m sure everyone’s tired of hearing me rant about why rotmg fucking sucks and is wondering why I’m still here but in case you haven’t noticed I’m having a harder time letting go than I thought

The General Chat Thread

tbh everytime i see a thread like this i only get the feeling that people think like this --> “Im not like every other guys, i play katana class ye? cool right? but why is its dps not like something something class? unfair right? it should be as strong or nearly as strong as something something class right? why dont i just play something something class? coz im not like other guys ye?”