Spell of the Lost Gatekeeper


Hello everyone! I made this idea a long time ago on the RotMG subreddit, and I’d like to try and bring it up again! Please keep in mind that everything written here was thought of before the Spiteful Scutum was in the game.

###Spell of the Lost Gatekeeper

Hey all! It’s Curiousb, and to be honest, well… I have a guilty pleasure.
I really, really enjoy fighting Janus the Doorwarden. Sorry to say it, but while fighting Janus is a lot of fun, it usually never pays off (unless you’re a big fan of Vitality).
I came up with a unique spell that I believe to be balanced.

Here are its stats, going off the RealmEye Wiki format.

###Spell of the Lost Gatekeeper

Created by a council of grand mages to ward off intruders from their towers. For some time, this spell guarded some of the most powerful weapons in existence.

  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 100
  • Shots: 20 (Shots are spawned 14 tiles away from target in a radial fashion, shooting inwards)
  • Damage: 125-200 (162.5)
  • Total Damage: 2500-4000 (3250)
  • Projectile Speed: 14
  • Range: 14
  • Fame bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 500

Individual Chance of Soulbound Drop: Janus the Doorwarden (Test Chest) (White Bag)

Based upon how I would want this spell to work, it would be extremely powerful, but, at the same time, incredibly hard to use correctly. For all shots to hit, you would need to aim where your target would be perfectly in one second (14 Tile Range, 14 Projectile Speed. Please correct me if I am wrong in assuming it would take one second for all of the shots to reach the center). Also, keep in mind that most bosses have minions surrounding them to tank the incoming shots, as well as other obstacles in the way, such as pillars, so it is very situational; as UTs should be.

Please let me know what you think!

Edit: Math


I love the idea of how it shoots inwards, but perhaps you could reduce damage since shooting inwards makes it so you have better aim of where your shooting, causing all shots to apply, (20 FLIPPIN SHOTS), oh and Im talking about bosses with no minions spawning around them such as Pyre phase 2 and the test chest


Someone actually calculated the DPS of the spell compared to the EP in the original reddit thread, and it’s actually not too bad when compared on Test Chests and bosses without minions. It does do much more damage than cosmic, though. But because it doesn’t pierce, I’d say it’s fairly balanced as it doesn’t offer any stat bonuses.

Thanks for the criticism!


Lol , hey its good to see its balanced though


How is the average damage higher than the max damage


Fixed, thanks so much!


…I assume that’s from the prohectile spawn to projectile target?
Just as a reference, our maximum sight is about 10 tiles. So this spell comes from wayybout of the screen most of the time?

I see where this Idea is going, but UTs usually change how a character is played quite drastically (ogmur, oreo, ctrap, jugg, the good ones anyway)

I hope this one will change it that much as well.


I assume you mean 2500-3400 and even then, the average damage is 2950.


Not going to comment on anything else, but as Xaklor (not going to tag him here) can confirm, this idea has been mentioned many, many times before. Just saying.


I meant 2500-4000. The average is correct.


I could see how not being able to see offscreen could block some of the shots from making it to the target. But that’s the thing- this spell offers great damage output if you have enough situational awareness.


Creative! But seriously overpowered in pub tomb; able to hit all 3 bosses at once, basically.


man, i see so much of that in spell ideas


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