Spelunker Orb


Thsi mysterious orb hasn’t a mind of it’s own, greedy, impulsive and demanding. It seeks treasures where others might never find…

  • Tier: UT
  • mp cost: 95
  • Effect: Inlicts Bleeding upon a 9 tile radius from the caster (not with cursor) for 10 seconds
  • Effect: 200 armor piercing damage upon cursor target
  • Drops from: Pentaract image
  • Fame bonus: 6%
  • Feed Power: 1000
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • On equip: +3 speed

Thanks to @GammaGamer for reminding me how terrible I am at maths.


The orb’s stats need major improving. You’d get more dps from a tired orb. The only advantage I see from this is that you could damage invincible enemies with the bleeding effect. The 50 damage from the cursor is way too little and isn’t going to do much. Then on top of all of this it has an outrageously long cooldown. You get all this for an orb without any wismod even, for a slightly higher mp cost.


The 50 damage of the cursor is pretty much nothing, even if it pierces DEF. The bleeding for 5 seconds will deal a total of 120 damage to every enemy within 9 tiles (do i sense lag?), which won’t even be able to kill these guys: Undead%20Hobbit%20Mage Hobbit%20Mage.


With these underpowered stats, having this item drop from the Penta (really hard to get a white from this guy) and giving it 1000 feed power simply can’t get justified.

Nevertheless, I like the general concept of a damaging orb because DECA hasn’t implemented one yet.


I could see this maybe being useful as an early game UT, but having this an event white would not work at all. The 50 armor piercing damage is abysmally low, and the bleeding wouldn’t be doing much damage either. On top of the already low damage output, there is a 6 second cooldown, meaning that this orb essentially has 30 dps, making it inferior to most tiered orbs.


I feel guilty now :sob:


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