Spook, a Sorcerer skin by Xaklor


I guess ill go make a class called the polack, i mean its an ethic slur to polish people in most places around the world that speak English but traditionally it means just a polish people so Im good

Also the word is not exclusive to urban dictionary. The was invented way before the internet even existed

Now as I said before I have no problem with the name, its just that in todays world yes I could see that being a problem. If you cant see how reddit would turn and twist it into something worse then it is you haven ever seen r/rotmg.

Being your name is “slavsy” I would of thought you might understand seeing as how us Slavic people deal with many racial and ethnic tensions, why this might not be the best choice of words In some peoples eyes not mine


Yeah I’m polish and believe me, this is in no way a slur. If any pole gets even mildly offended by this “slur” then I pity them.

The word for Polish person in the polish language is literally ‘Polak’

Also the word is not exclusive to urban dictionary. The was invented way before the internet even existed

I’m aware, but really this is a case of looking for racism where it doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy MMO RPG game with sorcerers. A blue sorcerer that’s supposed to be “spooky” and is called “spook” isn’t purposely offending anyone. If someone gets offended by this, they’re looking for it.

I understand where you’re coming from, but the only people who would feel offended by something like this are trolls on reddit, like you said. No one would actually be harmed by this. And I don’t think changing the name to appease reddit trolls is a valid reason for changing it in the first place.

Being your name is “slavsy” I would of thought you might understand seeing as how us Slavic people deal with many racial and ethnic tensions, why this might not be the best choice of words In some peoples eyes not mine

I don’t think Slavic people are prejudiced. I don’t think we’re “targeted”. If anyone makes fun of you for being a slav you have to laugh it off, at least that’s the way I would deal with it.


So you’d be in favor of changing the name if it were to be implemented?


truth be told: I was actually going to let this die. it’s directly linked to the Clock Tower, which is something I plan to still tweak in the future (both when I have time and when the Stone Caves of Nores 2 is done). the Clock Tower is also a bigger project with a broader impact than a single skin.

but then I remembered that list I made of the oldest open threads a few posts up, and that this is #8 across the entire forum. I’m not letting that slip away so easily :wink:

@ everyone talking about “spook” as an ethnic slur:
the number of completely unrelated words that have been used as politically incorrect and derogatory slurs in the english language is insane. there are probably 2 or 3 already in the game that no one knows about because no one actually uses it anymore, and same goes for Spook. that said, if Spook ever does get in-game I may be forced to change the name anyway (:cry:). not because of this, but because of this wretched abomination of a sprite:


the worst part is: that’s not even his name. it’s his meme-based nickname.


Team Spook hype


Nah, it’s a classic. If you ever forget to bump it, I will. (But I doubt you’ll forget.)

As far as the racial slur thing goes, I actually didn’t even know that “spook” had that kind of implication until now, and I’ve heard a lot of those kinds of slurs. (I never use them of course.)

And now I legitimately feel bad for that blue sorcerer.




The issue is sorcerer is a class who appears to have black skin… this is why if that word also has a racial/pejorative meaning in the same context there would be questions asked.

Even if no-intent-to-offend makes use of the word in that context an innocent offence, once it’s pointed out during the design phase it can’t be un-seen so, yes, a rename would probably be necessary.

Any individual person might not see it or know of it or be offended, but the game has a universal audience so the devs would be pretty foolish to overlook something possible to raise uproar, and we all know how easily e-outrage such as Reddit/Twitter storms can happen. It’s just easier to sidestep potential trouble rather than release something, then get the complaints and have it all air out in public.


.-. It’s okay if I bump this right? I really like the skin. reminds me of a furry somehow

Best of the Best Nominations - December 2017








:b: EE?


: insert :honeybee: meme:


No, this cannot :b:EEE!





:hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil:


Oops, must’ve hit a wrong button. This thread isn’t worth bumping anyways :^)

The design is amazing, the only thing I have a little problem with is the attack animation. The red dot for the mouth looks kinda out of place imo. maybe shade it so it looks more like a mouth or remove it all together. Just looks a little weird in its current form.


i swear all these bumps are so…



No u