ST "Square Set"


No problem man i just really hate all these mean insensitive users always attacking people for no reason.






don’t make me do it


I truly don’t know what I did but I am seriously sorry for whatever it is…


I take it you’re unfamiliar with the subtleties of sarcasm.

Ring of the Blood Pact (Idea)
Seal of unbrakeable defence :smiley:

I have Aspergers… I never understood sarcasm…


For someone with Asperger’s you know how to use exclamation marks very well, considering if you actually do have Asperger’s to you should know that forums aren’t a place for people like you “no offence” as it means you would have severe difficulty with non verbal communication, [quote=“Benleekids, post:140, topic:4411, full:true”]
I truly don’t know what I did but I am seriously sorry for whatever it is…

Also if you had Asperger’s you would have a severe lack of empathy towards other people just saying.

Edit: My brother has Asperger’s’ :wink:


there are different levels of aspergers
Edit:(Autism Spectrum Disease, of which Aspergers is a part of, uses the word spectrum implying that it has nearly infinite different levels and diagnosis)


Yeah but are all similar in a unique way


Nice antonyms.


Antonyms are important m8…


i like the shading on the sprites


IM DONE. I am absolutely done


Those sprites aren’t 8x8, go remake them.

Also you were a bit too excessive on the shading in my opinion.


Quality shitpost m8.


Please make a circle set somebody. Or a triangle set.


Because circles exist in a pixelated MMO where all the set sprites are 8x8.


How do you implement your drawing to a thread, I click save on my item that I have made but it will not save anywhere :cry:
