Star ranks showing when posting


In the majority of cases though, a higher star will have more experience and a better grasp on the game as a whole than a lower star rank.

Having the star rank displayed can also make cases of somebody using their mules/alts as forum sock puppets a lot more obvious.


Unfortunately there’s no CSS class or existing HTML for forum ranks (besides the badge on your usercard).

The staff one was modified with some extra CSS but looks like this by default:

I’m not 100% sure this is the case for normal accounts but you should be able to select a badge to display by you username by clicking the edit button besides “Title” in your user preferences:

Note: Staff can set custom titles but regulars can still select from a list of applicable badges (trust level “regular” and up).


so ik everyone talking about something about how stars dont matter, but i just wanted to share my insight on all the star ranks and generally what i feel they are like (not always true)

L Blue = alts, new players, nothing really to be said much
D blue = people who play few classes usually knight
Red = for some reason these people are usually rather annoying/immature (just saying a good chunk)
Orange = decent players. hmm, not much to be said.
Yellow = good players who dont care about stars, or people failing at getting white (me, 1star away)
white = fame farmers, people with like 14 8/8s most with all uts or People who fck around in shats.

remember not saying everyone is like this, but i feel these are my observations

Realm Bar
What does a star mean to you?


What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?
Post funny moments in-game!
What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?

why is your text box glowing


BMJ distinguished it


oh interesting function


Fixed that for jew


I consider that to be extremely offensive.


Some might say that ban was horribly executed.

Like the jews.


You shouldnt make such jokes, oventually someone will flag you. Even if do nazi anything bad about it, you will be göring to heil for it.


so i was wondering if i should flag you or like the comment, decided to do both.


You know who else complains about other people’s actions instead of acting themselves? Untermenschen.

Again: it’s not the star that makes you a dumbass, it’s acting like a dumbass that makes you a dumbass. Like trying too hard to be edgy and then crying when somebody reminds you the ToS exist.


One might still discuss why 100’s of hackers dont get permabanned and those guys got a permaban.


The difference between being offensive and cheating at the game is that, in the first case, Deca can tell simply by looking at your name (or in this case, your guild’s name).

Crying about a ban for an inappropriate name is like crying about a ban for something bad you recorded yourself doing: it’s like shouting in the middle of the street and then being surprised someone heard you.


/off topic. No more, fellas.


Mein posts : (


lol totally forgot what the topic was about


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