

Boy, I could talk for hours on this.

Star does not mean game intelligence, I have spoken to some of the MOST brain dead people on earth who are yellow stars, then add the fact that orange stars give orange star a bad name and everything below that is known as pure garbage. It’s almost worth banging my head on a wall when I talk to some of my fellow orange stars. Then there are bought account white stars who you can OBVIOUSLY tell they bought it (show off their stuff) Remember kids no real white star will ever flaunt their things, OG white stars are very humble Honestly the only class that I have met that admit they’re bad are light blue stars and they get the most crap for it. It’s so funny to me, opinions?

What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?
What does a star mean to you?

41 posts were merged into an existing topic: What is Star Ranking for me


Combined 2x discussions on star ranking.