Stone Guardian ST Knight Set



Regardless, let’s value your set. You implied you got the LH tops from the solstice quests, so the splendour and dominion would be a sun set each. I’m going to conservatively rate those at 6 Life each. Then an acrop, given the inflated economy would be about 1 life and the Ggen another life. This is a of course lowballing but hey. I believe UBHP is 8 life around now, bring your set on a 0/8 character to 20 life. But hey, it’s your resources


It’s not bad, I like it to an extent but what is the set trying to accomplish for the knight?

Is it supposed to promote defensive or offensive play?


Ring is too good as a Brute drop, its bracer but instead +4 it gives +2 to 3 stats , also sword sprite is kind of ugly.


The sword should do more damage to be like the white drop ancient stone sword


@SaknisJr, @Redox @LawaWizard I read your comments and I adjust the set and the sprite for the sword, so take a look.


Now its way more pleasure to eye , i would make a hand bit thicker but its okay

Reskin T6 Winter Rings

What’s the point to the set? Like is it making an offensive knight or defensive knight???


Totally NOT repeating what Redox said


Maybe he didn’t see my post.
A genuine mistake I believe.


Sorry, I don’t usually read comments so I didn’t see his comment, sorry.


Notice there is no reply. I’d like to point out that a) people always say “i’m on my alt” whenever confronted about something suspicious, b) if he/she was one his/her account he/she could have posted the realmeye link to his/her realm account, but chose not too, and c) this is off topic so…don’t argue with those not reasonable enough to rationally deal with something


@infamousX I think we should make this for like a warrior or somethin knight already got 2 sets now


Or should I make a archer set, archer still has no set lol


i believe deca is making an archer set…


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