Stone Priest Set


Stone Priest Set

Split Pillar Wand


A stone wand used by the priests of an ancient kingdom. The magical core shattered causing it to fire from both sides of the wand


Range: 9.45
Shot Speed: 210
Lifetime: 450
Shots: 2
Arc Gap: 180 (One in front, one behind)
Damage: 75-110
Rate of Fire: 125%
Stat Bonus: +2 DEF, +2 WIS
Special properties: Shots pass through obstacles, Shots pierce through enemies
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 1150
Drops from Abandoned Switches

I see a lot of ideas for two-shot wands, and this is my idea for it, it would be situational, as it has less dps then the T12 wand, but has more range, faster shot speed, moves through obstacles, and a second shot from behind, making it good for crowded situations, especially if there are obstacles around it.

Tome of Stone Reinforcement


A tome used by the adepts to repair cracks in Titaniums and Paladin Obelisks, however it has proved effective on humans as well


MP cost: 100
Range: 5 (+wis/30 at 30 wis) tiles (7.5 at 75 wis)
Self Effect: Armor Broken for 3.5 seconds (-(wis+25)/50 at 50 wis) (1.5 at 75 wis), heals 200 hp
Party Effect (not including self): Armored for 3.5 seconds, and heals 150 (+target_def*2) directly afterwards
Stat Bonus: +20 HP, +5 spd
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 950
Drops from Titaniums

This tome focuses almost entirely on support, being basically a reverse prot, you armor everyone else but armor break yourself, others also receive a defense mod on their heals, the +20 hp and +5 spd help you survive and escape when armor broken, this tome would pair well with robes that sacrifice def for other stats

Confined Robe


Used to restrict and immortalize those being turned into stone. Despite being made of rock it provides little to no defense


+200 HP
+10 wis
-5 spd
-3 dex
Drops from Paladin Obelisk

Compared to the T12 robe, it sacrifices 3 dex, 5 spd, 55 mp, 5 atk, and 13 def for 200 hp and 4 wis. This robe pairs well with the Tome of Stone Reinforcement as a lack of defense does not matter when armor broken and the 10 wis makes the armor break last 0.2 seconds shorter, not to mention the Tome cancels out the lost 5 spd

The set lacks a ring as the Shatters already has 3, some of the main reasons I made this set for the shatter include that the Shatters should have some non-ring white bags, and also that the drop locations attempt to discourage people from leeching


nice sprites and idea all in all. Only complaint is the robe looks kinda weird.


Robe was made to look like constraints almost, the bland grayness is like that for the same reason ancient stone sword is like that, and the symbol is from the Paladin Obelisk (except upside down because it looked better that way)


That wand be sexy my brudda. :smirk::ok_hand:t5:


well. its pretty interesting.honestly after seeing the wand, i was thinking some kind of prot for abt so that they could sit in minion crowds. However, you made it armor break, along with giving your armor no def.

So the only situation that you could use the full potential would be a crowd of heavy hitters, actually idk, its just such a weird one. I can’t really see what its good for? it probably has some niche, but its just too strange.


Wands range and obstacle passing is what I think pairs it with this set best as it helps you to hide and support people, the back shot though makes it more viable paired with other UTs too, basically it’s supposed to be good for getting in deep or staying out far.


You become the Darth Maul of RotMG





whos that?


Darth Sorc


“Mommy, what does idiot mean?”

“Oh son, it just means they are an idiot.”


That’s Nevov, who else would it be?


You don’t need the not including self, if you are armor-broken then 2×0=0 still you have no def
Also, seems like nobody would use this tome when it helps other people at the cost of hurting you.

The wand, the range is only 0.45 higher than tiered, i guess the pass through obstacles gives it a niche


I love the robe.


I feel like the robe should have def cuz its made out of stone


It’s magic constraining stone meant not to protect you but to sustain you, was originally gonna be a crap ton of vit, but changed my mind to health, it’s meant to go with this tome and prot though (as prot will still give you 50 def)


k nice


Very creative ideas and sprites, maybe add a little more shading to the robe and make the wand have three shots with a 90° arc gap but otherwise a solid support set!


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