Sub class


this is actually kinda cool


I like the idea. But how would these Sub classes be accessible? And what would their downsides be? Otherwise, the regular classes would just never be played.


So is this like an evolution path your class can take after 8/8ing?
Cool idea.


Basically like you just said


Working in progress…


Is it you typical RPG endgame
When you supposed to be invicible at Lv. 99


I personally think that some class are superior to another…


Because we don’t have it?


Boi this is a permadeath game, and you want invincibility.


So meta…


You can’t just change the whole fundamentals of a game. This is not your typical rpg. There are risks. If the game were to include these changes to the classes, the game would break and people would be bored of the absolute grindfest that is invincible characters in a permadeath game.


I’m thinking another way about permanent death

Perma death> try not to die> causing reduce play time > player become less interested in rotmg> boring>quit the game


I’m thinking
Sub Classes>People never die>People get bored>People quit>Decker can’t survive>Game dies>Pany gets beat for killing a great game


Woh… Chill out
99% of idea ever get into the game any way


Why make an idea that you don’t even want to be introduced into the game? To troll?




Thought experiments can be fun.


Archer 3 stacks of blight… i wonder where ive seen that before

Somebody likes to play varus eh :slight_smile:


For the 10% hp, it can be easily faked. Just go to the beach. Take off Armor, take off pet, put on Armor on 20%. Boom


I know it would be infeasible to actually add into the game, but I can’t help but like it.

The idea of sub-classes and branching out has always appealed to me.