Sunken Paladin Set


Edited - 11/10/19 (balancing)

Ruined Sword
A sword dull in color and blade alike. Its power seems to return when around water. Perhaps it was made by some sort of underwater society.

Damage: 75 - 125 (avg 100)
Effect: While the player is in a water tile, +200 avg damage and +5 Dex.
Range: 3.3
Drop: Thessal the Mermaid Goddess

Sunken Seal
A seal faded and cracked, but a power can be felt laying dormant inside.

Mp Cost: 110
Effect: Creates water tiles in its casting range, temporarily replacing current tiles.
Effect 2: While in the water spawned by this seal, player(s) will be Healing.
Effect 3: While enemies in water spawned by this seal, enemies take 45 dmg/sec ignoring armor.
Property: Water created by this seal does not slow players.
Condition: Water tiles can only replace non-active tiles (e.g. active tiles would be traps, lava, tiles with blocks on top etc.)
Radius: 1.5 tiles + .5 for every 5 WIS after 50. (4 tiles at 75 WIS)
Duration: 3 seconds + .5 for every 10 WIS after 50. (5.5 seconds at 75 WIS)
Cool down: Duration + 1 second.
Stat Bonus: +5 Spd +3Def
Drop: Davy Jones

Collapsing Armor
An armor that seems impractical to use now. A feint power can be felt when you touch it and you can hear the ocean when you listen closely

Stats: +15 Def
Effect: When hit, 25% to spawn water tile where player stands for 3 seconds.
Effect 2: While in a water tile, +10 additional Def and +5 Att.
Property: Water tiles created by this armor does not slow players
Condition: Water tiles can only replace non-active tiles (e.g. active tiles would be traps, lava, tiles with blocks on top etc.)
Drop: Davy Jones

Faded Sigil
A medallion that seems to once have some sort of sigil written on it. Although indistinguishable now, its power still remains.

Stats: +90 Hp
Effect: While equipped, player cannot drown or take drowning damage.
Effect 2: 10% to spawn water tiles when hit for 3 seconds
Condition: Water tiles can only replace non-active tiles (e.g. active tiles would be traps, lava, tiles with blocks on top etc.)
Property: Water tiles created by this item does not slow players
Drop: Thessal the Mermaid Goddess

Water tile spawnable by player

water%20tile (note that it is lighter than regular water tiles on the beaches)

Set Bonuses:

2 items equipped: +25% to spawn water tiles when hit that do not slow players
3 items equipped: User can now be healing in any water tile. Enemies will now take damage in any water tile spawned by the user.
Full set: Enemies take 25% more damage while in water tiles spawned by the player.

Pally Stats with full set (while in a water tile)

Passive Effects:
60% to spawn water tiles when hit that do not slow players
You can now be healing when in any water tiles
Enemies take damage when in any water tile spawned by you (45 dmg/sec ignores armor)
Enemies become 25% more vulnerable in any water tiles spawned by you

Hp 860 (+90)
Mp 252
Att 55 (+5)
Def 58 (+28)
Spd 60 (+5)
Dex 50 (+5)
Vit 40
Wis 75

(being underwater, e.g. Ocean Trench, activates effects like being on a water tile except for seal effects. Water tile debuff and damage do not stack with different users. The only active tiles you can replace are regular water tiles. )

Whats the point of this set?

On its own, it seems mediocre with dps comparable to just being damaging with extra steps plus no health boosters, but with the whole set, you can now contribute more team play because enemies can be dealt additional damage and vulnerability when in water tiles spawned by you even more so when paired up with other debuffs and player buffs.


okay, this is extremely situational. How many water dungeons are there? OT, reef, and a part of Lod… not very many places where you could use this to the fullest.


That’s what the seal is for. The seal spawns water.


Seal spawning water is a really terrible idea because it slows players movement speed and would be really easy to troll with


The sprites are great but the idea is terrible. All the reasons will be listed below

  1. The two item bonus is much too situational to be of much use, already a limiting factor on the usefulness of the set.
  2. The items bonuses require that you be in water. Yes, the seal creates water. However, as it is now, without the seal, the rest of the set is just greatly understated garbage. The whole point of partial set bonuses was so that you can have a limited part of the set without being bad
  3. With the seal, the entire set is just straight out broken.
  4. Creating a pool of water may be great for the character that made it, but screws up everyone else by slowing them

Finally, mechanics are gonna be weird. Can it turn any blocks into water? Can it turn lava and walls into water or is it limited to only “basic tiles”. What’s considered “basic tiles”. If there’s objects over the basic tiles, what happens to them?


Thanks for the feedback

  1. For the partial set bonuses, the first one now grants higher chance to spawn water tiles without the seal as well as the accessory granting the same. The second set bonus also now grants the effects similar to the seal to any player-spawned water tile.
  2. Player can now have decent chances to spawn water tiles without the seal.
  3. The seal doesn’t make the item broken since the seal can’t grant damaging but does give more control to the player where water tiles can be with the cool down preventing the player from spamming it. Its only when the whole set is worn that it becomes a bit stronger than a damaging pally and only when both the enemy and player are in water spawned by the player.
  4. I guess i should’ve just been more specific. I’ve added it so that player-made water tiles don’t slow players and it can’t spawn on active tiles e.g. lava, obstacles etc.


Fixed that. Now player-made water tiles don’t slow players.


guess that would be better, idk. I’m not good at balancing but this idea seems cool


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