The Achievement Thread


The first time I hit the 15.000 Base Fame


14 man O2 reduced to 5 man. Me ended up doing the most damage because Concertina did that phat carry. Also, an unfortunate 7/8 got clappedā€¦


Thanks @XBookwyrmX for pointing it out to me, but I just crossed the 100K fame milestone for the first time! Top 1000 here I come!


15k base on bard. I will never subjugate myself to such torture that is playing the bard, ever again!


How dare you.


I really enjoyed playing with my bard - even before I used a Concertina.


I dared and I died.


I enjoyed using pungi but everything else about bard is very dry.


tiered bow, no concertina, and no vesture oh myā€¦ I have to say, I do not blame you at all for coming to the conclusion that you did about the class. Itā€™s not exactly optimized for that set (yes, this is bad). But when you get void bow, donā€™t waste its potential by slapping it on archer or somethingā€¦ please. It can easily become the best bow class with just a few endgame items.


Never have and never will get a void white and when I do it will be nil.


Bergenia is good enough. Also Leaf Bow does (did) work.

Tiered bows and Coral bow are not a thing for the bard because of the leak of attack.


I know how bards work and how the stats work. I just do not enjoy playing bard and I never will again. I have never been a fan of a bow class wearing a robe and I have never liked any incantations of bards ever, in anything.

Also I have never gotten a bergenia bow, and I never will.


Thatā€™s clear! So gratz to the 5th star!


Well, I say that, but if I had the Hatsune Miku skin I probably would make a bard again.




my favorite singer is her


70 more O3ā€™s to goā€¦


Donā€™t die to GemsCock now


I made it to top 3 trickster

Sorted by Vampiress skin.


Haha, I like it. But. if Iā€™m allwoed to ask, why?

Why you carry UTs andSTs with you and use T4 dagger, T1 ring etc.?

Why you donā€™t even look at the wis and def pots the bosses drop?

I mean, I really like strange and unexpected actions, but doing a 12 minuten lab without any reward than 15 base fameā€¦ (additional you missed an oryx^^)

btw. I can see now why you like playing Trickster. I would just tp into random shotguns and die as I did often before.