The Arsonist's Curse (Wizard Spell UT Draft Idea)


###The Arsonist’s Curse

(The big 8/8 map top left pixel was my cursor. Disregard the top left pixel)

Projected display in-game.

Shot Preview:


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 100
  • Range: 4
  • Damage: 225-375
  • Shots: 8 (Shot speed: 2, the unique point of the spell)
  • Stat Bonus: +40 MP, -3 VIT, -3 WIS
  • Special properties: Shots pass through obstacles, Shots hit multiple enemies
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 666

####Drops From:

  • Archmage of Flame (1/250 chance)

####More info
I felt that it was about time to think about, well, a real spell “bomb.” Here is a fire bomb that drops from the man himself, the Archmage of Flame!

This spell is designed to be walked on and to deal high damage against armor.


looks like a bird[quote=“GAMESONLY, post:1, topic:4216”]
(Shot speed: 4, the unique point of the spell)

oh this feels like Xaklor’s spell that i just read yesterday, its in his stone caves idea.[quote=“GAMESONLY, post:1, topic:4216”]
This spell is designed to be walked on and

i rather xaklor’s idea of it, his purpose was more for confined spell bombs, one for tombs and such.

But to be walked on is cool too, my spell was basically created for that.


I though about maybe harnessing the power of the shatters firebomb as a spell.

(The shot is supposed to look like an elegant firewall. Just imagine how 8 interlocked shots would look.)

(Also realized firebomb shots are MUCH slower. Reducing shot speed to 2)

Could you actually link me to Xaklor’s spell post? I want to compare.

(Also keep in mind the reduction of shots to 8)


oh, just remembered that Xaklor had more to his spell.




Whoops [quote=“GAMESONLY, post:1, topic:4216”]
Feed Power: 666

Nice touch!

Very unique to combine that with a slow moving speed so that enemies will walk on it.

I like it a lot.


The thing is will it act like a trap from huntress with the slow drop time, or will it be instant.


I was skeptical at first because I was like “Oh, it’s just a huntress trap on a wizard” but after reading the whole thing I really like the idea. I would definitely use this.


nice, guess you guys probably didn’t need the .gif because you’ve all seen the Archmage’s fire bomb but oh well


Instant. Yet it would be so slow, it could resemble a trap.


interseting seeing a trap similar to Xaklor’s, but the use was different i guess.

No one has really analyzed the uses of the range (here).


Just realized how slow that is. e.e


Ye, you might make it just a bit faster.


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