The Catacombs of R'lyeh: A Dungeon Idea by Puffagod


Ho thar.

Likewise with the Beyond, I thought I’d knock this blighter down on the Eye to save it from becoming a lost page in the book of history.

Kind fires an’ open roads.
~ Puffagod <3

Dungeon Idea: Infernal Tophet (WIP)
New UT Katana: BurnShard Katana

Amazing sprites and dungeon design and if it was implemented I’d be ready to dig into it, and I also love the lovecraftian vibes it gives off

At first I thought the Mi Go was a big eye


As a Call of Cthulhu fan, I love this idea just as much as The Beyond. I want to see this implemented into the game as well.


The realm could always use a little madness.


Loved it! it’s amazing!This can make the game more funny c:




This is beautiful the you have everything planned out the health the damage the crowd control effects and everything very beautiful to the last touch and would be a very good end game dungeon and how long it takes would make alot of people work as a team i would love to see this in realm but the only thing is what drops the initial dungeon??? +1


Nyarlathotep, the event boss detailed at the start o’ the document, ser.
Thanks for the comments guys, keep 'em coming c;


Yet Again your creativity causes me great envy


Yet again, I am undeserving of such praise. Many thanks! :slight_smile:


I like the tome, I was just thinking about a damage orientated tome thing.:slight_smile:


It isn’t the most original idea, but hey, wouldn’t it be fun to use xD


I have just realised the level of spelling errors in this document ;3

When I said ‘bate’, I meant 'bait.'
When I said ‘Crytpic’, I meant ‘Cryptic’.
When I said ‘Parthenon’, I meant Pantheon (how embarassing).

Sorry xD


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