New UT Katana: BurnShard Katana


any ideas on how it can be improved?


Higher Damage


maybe higher range




I don’t like when people make new UT katanas (there’s already a lot, for only one class), and when they create items for red demons. It’s like if you gave a white to cyclops gods…

Completly against this one. The sprite is good though.


glad for the input mate!


Sigh, @Benleekids… didn’t I tell you it’s better to post one or two well thought-out ideas in a month than one or two rushed ideas that don’t make sense every minute. How are you spending so much time on these forums? I know you have a notifier but you spend at least 5 hours per day on this. Live your life man.

Your sprite is a little bright, but it’s not too bad. And yeah, it’s supposed to be 8x8 I’m glad you changed it. Now, what is the point of this item? It’s literally the same thing as tiered katanas; just a bit higher rate of fire. This item isn’t special in any way. Void blade has no range but has a lifetime, sullen blade shoots multiple shots, ray katana has longer range, how is this possibly unique in any way? As I said, it’s okay to have less posts if they are well thought-out.

Keep trying dude, I like your determination. Just put more effort and thought into every idea though. Instead of living your life in these forums, go outside and play football with your friends or something (If you even have friends jk)


You did but that was after I made this


Alright then but spend more time and thought into these items you’re going the right way


but I can just post my Sprites in fan Art till I come up with a decent idea for them right?




I actually don’t have many…


ill expand on what cenamuch said, here is some overly thought out ideas,


Obsidian Summit Dungeon Idea
Oryx's Paracosm: An Endgame Dungeon by Puffagod
The Beyond: An Endgame Dungeon by Puffagod
The Waste Lands: a Dungeon Idea by Puffagod
The Catacombs of R'lyeh: A Dungeon Idea by Puffagod
The Stone Caves of Nores: another dungeon by Xaklor
The Nameless Void, a dungeon by Xaklor

for some item ideas:


Royal Dragon Set
New UT Poison: Maniacal Masochism

remember, this doesnt mean these ideas are good, but im just showing some things that have lots of effort put in, sorry for the massive amounts of dungeon ideas.


Although I’m glad you included Obsidian Summit, I think you should’ve included Lost Halls, too. There are probably a few I’m forgetting, as well.

You don’t really even have to apologize for that. Let’s face it, the most thought out ideas are dungeons. This even includes dungeons that had very little effort put into them. Also, most people that are willing to put tons of effort into their ideas opt for dungeons, rather than items, as they are generally better received from other community members. Finally, item ideas are just really easy to make, so people that don’t put much effort into ideas at all will just make items.


the sprite reminds me of the Lego Sword from another online game, childish, I LOVE it.


sorry don’t know why it replied to you, I meant to reply to the topic


I love how he doesn’t reply a second later like he usually does to your suggestions


ehh, i just grabbed random dungeon ideas.[quote=“Atrapper, post:32, topic:5706”]
You don’t really even have to apologize for that.

haha i was trying to go for items since OP usually posts items


called college lol


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