The Death Thread


Because enter is f a r a w a y!
It’s confusing to have to hit it again!


Flex died.



@Smirror was nearly sitting on him, I think to try to fool everyone with the whitebag pet. But sadly a rip.



uh oh





funny poopies



rip, time to make a new necro. highest bf char by far unfortunate it died before 1.5k at least I got the 2k class quest this time


there were a lot more but i tried to limit it to suitably maxed gravestones




RIP Tablet
this reminded me to restart the game every 1000 mem

first dead on new year lul



At this point my deaths all have a common theme - I look away for some amount of time (one second) and die, at about 6/8 or 7/8.

Though I gotta hand it to this one - he lasted the longest.

(also at some point there was a 7/8 that was popped by fungal, but I didn’t get a photo of that. Happy New Year!)




I fucking got killed by a mystic


thanks draggers. Fuck off


You get 1k mem? I get 300 at most.


i like how you title your pix :slight_smile:


Nothing like getting surprise stack stocked to death in a pub Shatters.
Rip Bracer, Shendyt, Cnid Rod and Abomination Wand.


tfw you get sat on. I had no idea that did that much damage. Oh well, I’m officially quitting now


mad cuz bad


I find that offensive, mostly cuz it’s true
