The Death Thread


@OoYAHYAoO’s bard with Alien Dbow + Anointed got killed at a 2 o’clock in the morning Janus, damn, sorry for luring you into this fight! :sob:


Holy shit, that was a super scuffed run.

After that we did a 2 shrink 29 man void where two people died.


owie lowlands big hurt nerf plx decker wtf


rip 6/8 ppe in the worst way possible


I just died on my 8/8 (actually 7/8, because it needed 1 speed) trix, felt like sharing this cursed death screen here. :frowning:

(I only had like 2 8/8s in my life, which makes this image a lot sadder.)


i completely nexused before i died but no. almost had for a year. longest alive character ever.


here is the photo:

oof man sorry


yes i survived and completed the guild void


A mistake he was…

But now one character slot is free, and a trickster shall replace my boring wizard


hopefully not using a hacked client


@Edwardidk is one one of the graves…interesting, i thought he quit a long time ago




You don’t know how long he’s had these accounts though.


I really hated the Mystic the first, and for awhile the only time, I played one. Then I played another one and learned to love her… I also learned she was allergic to Bees




Confuse is bullshit


@Slendergo in a puppet’s encore i opened… oops

@Edelmar reminder to be careful when events are in gland


Some deaths in last weekend’s Prismimic event:
@Deceptions @Cheety @Wink @Chessire


Started the Crystal Entity fight. Walked a little bit to the left and got instantly killed with no warning whatsoever.
I call this bullshit beyond belief. I was an 8/8 with pretty good gear and just got instantly popped.


Looks like you sat on the spawn point of the minibosses and fish spawned… rip but the crystal cavern minibosses are hardly unbalanced.