The Death Thread


A short-lived petless 7/8 Bard. Got mugged quite quickly and did expect dying with third CBow anytime when I use it.

I learnt that it is the best to clear the dungeon especially in Mountain Temple.

My reaction was “That didn’t went well.” Gonna deal with it either way.


Wow you have an army of wizards


Storage characters.


Do they have names?




Do any of your characters have names?


Nah… other than my Bard and Ninja.


Am I the only one who gives all of their characters names?


That just makes the permadeath aspect even more sad


The is but some times Unity doesn’t render things being thrown so the can just appear


I kinda want to now


lost my mystic :slight_smile:


Imma name my assassin PPE Greg.


I thought I nexused, gosh darnit 8(
I’m mostly miffed at the Shadows loss, since I only have one other, and I don’t envision the Void being doable publicly easily in the near future…


Rest in peace Moranidal


seems like the “just dodge lmao” flew right over my boys head smh


yeah just dodge the tiles on the ground that hurt you


unexpected death (screenshot from a friend)




That. Happened. To. Me.