The Devil's Scythe - New idea!


The Devil’s Scythe:

Projectile 1 :

Projectile 2 :

Projectile 3:

Discription: Some say the Scythe is cursed by the devil himself! The legend for told that the powers held within cannot be handled by any mere mortal humans… or maybe it’s just too hot to handle. But who knows…


Damage: max charged attack with 10 shots, around 900 damage in total, each projectile - 90.

Tier: UT

Duration of bleed: 3

Duration of charge: 5

Cooldown: 2

Range: 6-7

Stat Bonus: +2 att +2 vit

Special properties: The item does not shoot out like any other staffs!

The scythe can be held to charge its attack and can be fired all at once. Once released, depending on the amount of time held(max - 5 seconds), ranging from 1-10. Burst of projectiles will fire.

The projectiles will scale up to 3x depending on charge level. The damage dealt will also follow the same rule, longer charge equals, bigger damage. It can pass through obstacles and cause bleeding up to 3 seconds.

Fame Bonus: 6
Feed Power: 1200

Drops From: Maybe Archdemon Malphas from the Abyss

This is my first post on this forum, Leave a thought on what you think of the idea!


how much damage does it do why does it bleed and what does duration of charge mean. this is incomplete


Duration of charge means the amount of time held i.e by your mouse to shoot out the maximum amount of projectile. Hence the projectile scales(up to 3). Once letting go of your mouse to release the projectile, multiple projectiles will shoot out in a straight line. The damage dealt is left unknown since the item also bleeds. The scythe bleeds because it has been cursed by the devil and it’s hot. I did not want the item to curse as it would be like a mystic orb.


and how does bleeding work on enemies?


but if it only bleeds wouldnt this be completely useless charging a shot just to have it deal damage over time in the game rotmg is you need quick damage from something your weapon should not be it


since there is a cool down to this item, the bleed will work like poison over time.




the blade of the scythe needs to be longer also and it also needs to be darker so it doesnt look like its infront of everything else


The shots will do damage as well as make monsters bleed but for the damage dealt, if I had to estimate, with max charged attack with 10 shots, around 900 damage in total, each projectile - 90. The bleed would also deal extra amount of damage over time.


so why not show the amount of damage it does in the original post since it just shows that it bleeds


I am new here… sorry


How would this work if you were using auto-fire?


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