The new ST ninja set star copied? [CASE CLOSED]


When i saw the ST ninja set i recognized the star immedieatly from an old ninja star idea, Sadly i couldnt find it but it was colored red and green and was dropped by the Phylactery Bearer. Who ever made that ninja star, i hope Deca either credited u or told u about it. Here is the New ST ninja star that will be released soon 111newstshuriken The original shape and everything is exact the same as ST ninja star. Hopefully anyone else remember the Star idea that was on realmeye.


I realized that too, it’s from a post called the Clairavoyant Chakram. Same goes for the newer Knight ST set armor and shield which was adapted from someone else’s post about a knight ST set:

Though I believe the creator of the Chakram (Aurum) is part of the UGC team and most likely opted to use the Chakram’s shape for the new ST star, so I don’t think you can really pick at Deca for using it.


YES THANK YOU, that was the one i meant. Isnt that weird? hopefully deca will credit them.


The ninja star is totally the same, with different colors.
The shield knight set, almost the same.


thing is, heck, even the red part in the middle is exact the same color pretty much, only difference is the yellow part.


Aurum is already UGC and was probably credited. I know he was listed under Special Thanks for the Cursed Library.


Ah then there is nothing to worry about, thanks :stuck_out_tongue: just wanted to make sure he didnt get ignored.


Just wanted to clear some things up, I reused the star from my old idea and changed the colors to fit in with the current draft of the ninja set I was working on. Deca would never take art without asking for permission and giving credit if it was needed.


Case closed :relieved:


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