The Spooky Cloakeroo



Spooky Cloakeroo

Spook boi
A fallen cloth of the lost sentry found at the entrance of the lost halls


Tier: UT
MP Cost: 200
Cooldown: 999 seconds
Effect: Speedy for 12 seconds, Damaging for 6 seconds, Invincibility for 3 seconds
Stat Bonus: -10 DEX
Fame Bonus: 8%
Feed Power: 1600

Drops From:

The Lost Sentry

More info

This is a cloak that makes you spooky boi.
You can only use it once every 999 seconds (or until you enter a dungeon) so it’s not broken









If your spooky boi, shouldn’t you get invincibility instead of invisibility? :thinking:


for 999 seconds invisibility speedy and damaging should last 30 seconds




Made it better for the cost :slight_smile:


would my sprite change to spooky boi when i use it?




100% balance :ok_hand:



U just played urself


Exactly, I need to watch this video more often so that I can recognize the difference between you’re and your.

But I was just being lazy last time.




Nerf mp cost
Buff spd and this is good idea
Nice sprite tho


Thanks :slight_smile:


The sprite kinda looks like someone is using it lol


That’s very small rogue lol


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