The Totemist (NEW CLASS IDEA)


Haven’t redit but did a quck scan. Looks like you put a lot of time into it and the sprites look okay :smiley: Basic sprite is a bit too fancy though


It’s kinda hard to make new classes, so I don’t fully blame myself…I just blame myself for 9/10 of it…


a little research would do you well

change hexed to stunned.


I like the idea of what a totemist would really do, but this class doesn’t do any of it. Secondly, the stat bonuses on the tiered items are off, why would a t5 ability suddenly not give def? It’d make t4 and under more viable to use at any time. Also, the UT totem is more of a drawback, since 6 speed isn’t much at all.

But the thing that would make this class useless in-game, would be that priest can do all these things (Granted, with slightly less DPS) far better, so long as he has a prot. There would be absolutely no reason to play this class over priest if you have a prot, which is enough reason to rule out the need of this totem ability.

If I came over as harsh, I have no intend to. I’m trying to pull out the biggest points of improvement on this class, now for some tips on how to rework the ability:

Make the class use actual totems to fit the theme

Similar in use to the marble pillar a paladin can place with his marble seal. You could have standard totems have like a healing/speedy/damaging/berserk/armored buff in a range around the placed totem, for example. (Not all of them at once, of course)
I’d go for something like a flat heal per second at tiers 1-3, to then also give a little bit of bonus health when standing in range of the totem.

Don’t have a (robe)class revolve around the ability to armor crowds

It’s too overpowered to be able to make a whole group armored without needing a rare UT. It’d also make marble seal obsolete. I’d remove the aspect of armored from this class almost completely, except for perhaps on a single UT.

Now, for some less important tips, but tips nonetheless:

I do like the concept of the sprite

But I feel like the wand looks like a wooden sword, I’d take 1 pixel off of the top of it and it’s a very nice one!

The basestats seem very off

Of course, the sorcerer isn’t a totemist, but the general rule for base stat caps and average at level 20 stats is that the maxed HP on robe classes is 670. You got the mana right, but the avg mana at lvl 20 is way too high, it should be 290 like the other ones. I’d copy the base max and avg at lvl 20 HP and MP stats from the sorcerer. I’d also change def from 30 to 25, since 30 def is unusual for classes in general. Paladin is an exception, because he wasn’t tanky enough before his rework. 40 Vit is also normal for robe classes and 45 speed is lower than any other class. I’d have the base stats look like this:

Average at Level 20:

HP: 575
MP: 290
ATK: 40
DEF: 0
SPD: 30
DEX: 37
VIT: 25
WIS: 50

Base Stat Cap:

HP: 670
MP: 385
ATK: 70
DEF: 25
SPD: 50
DEX: 65
VIT: 40
WIS: 75

As you can see, the stats I haven’t mentioned seem fine to me. These are, of course, subject to change, depending on how the end result of the ability will turn out to be.

Final word

As I said earlier, I hope I didn’t come off as harsh and I hope these tips might help you in the development of your concept!
Good luck with future changes!



OK, gotcha. Thanks for the thorough feedback!


Just giving it 30 def makes it have the most defense of all the robe classes (minus priest with prot). Also it’s only 10 lower than all the other robe classes, but trading off 10 max hp (which is really weird for me…) for 5 max def? Count me in any day.


I changed the class quite a bit. Does it look better now?


What is the use of the UT? Its MP cost is through the roof for very little effect, and if there’s an additional effect, it’s not added on here. I believe that instead of giving Stunned for 0.5 seconds, it should give Berserk or Damaging for 3.5 Seconds, while keeping the Armored to 1.5 Seconds. This gives it less viability for defense than the tiered, and more for offense.




it has +7 atk and +7 dex


That requires no use of the ability, though?


I guess so…

It’s pretty unique imo.
An ability just for wear, not for use.


Actually, it’s not as unique as you think. People have suggested items that go in the ability slot that only give bonuses all the time.


The stat bonuses should not be of vit and wis maybe def since it gives armored



srsly tho i was going to make that idea but nice job dang


Woo your ideas are better that when i first time saw you.
This Ut is not very good


ik. i didn’t see you in a long time…or it might have been just me.

You know it’s not against the rules to make similar ideas, right? Sure, I don’t care.


you dropped the “know”


Oh, RIP, you’re right. I’ll change it.


Yes i had a big break when i died my priest. And i break with forum.
I remember when your work was a shitposts xDD