The Waste Lands: a Dungeon Idea by Puffagod


Hullo thar!

Here be a dungeon, hot off the metaphorical press:

Please feel free to comment and criticise; just like in my other attempts at dungeons I’d be more than happy to re-consider and amend anything that sticks out!

Enjoy C:
~ Puffagod <3

Edit: Here is the third edition with a few sprite changes and a troom! (recommended version :3)

Dungeon Idea: Infernal Tophet (WIP)
New UT Katana: BurnShard Katana

“Keep calm and carrion! Ahahahah!”

This made my day.


Event is really thought out & balanced. A few notes on it though:

It can spawn anywhere, do you intend for the fight to be made harder with clusters or trees nearby? Maybe all the obstacles in the vicinity can be cleared.

In the drops you say “Stat potions” Is this just rainbow or mana and life as well?


Not life and mana, just like any other event. And I don’t believe the obstacles should be cleared, even though the boss likes to chase. Maybe it would give Niruel’s Corona another niche :slight_smile:

And @Tybug, I’m glad it did C:


I really like this, but the Carrion King’s color’s don’t really fit him IMO
Overall, really good dungeon


This seems like a great dungeon. The only thing is that I feel the Snare of Draconis trap is too similar in colour scheme to the Dragonstalker trap.


It’s just meant to differentiate him from the rest of the dungeon, which is all basically the same colour. Which alternative colours would you suggest?

And @stuartcat, it was supposed to be the Rock Dragon’s colour scheme, which I quite like ;3
I will change the sprite to reduce confusion between dragon-themed traps (nothing revolutionary, though) :wink:

I’ll change the document soon to include it ;3


Probs to you i see you put much time and effort in :thumbsup:


Black and Red, Green, Blue, and White are colors that I suggest trying

I’m also a huge fan of bearded vultures. If the carrion king could be based on one I’d be very happy.


I’m going to assume that the purple cloak is the problem. I’ve just tried a few things on the Art Maker, and the only conclusion I’ve reached is that I really like the purple cloak .-.
The tag is ‘pofswastelands42’ if anyone wants to try and improve it themselves ;3

And as for explicitly basing him on a bearded vulture… I’m hesitant for the rework. Maybe an additional bearded vulture boss could occupy a troom? Maybe in a future edition? I’m not sure. The King, I feel, certainly has a few carrion-fowl features already… and if I’m honest, a straight-up vulture was never my original intention.

Although many thanks for the advice, I shall try my utmost to accomodate it ;3


I can see why you like that purple cloak. Try changing it to a shaded red, like burgundy.


I changed the Snare of Draconis sprite very slightly, and gave the Carrion King a red cloak. Now he’s my second red-cloaked boss… what must you think of me.

Fun fact: The red cloaked Carrion King was the 83rd sprite created for the Waste Lands. The Catacombs of R’lyeh has only 53 sprites, and you would be a maniac to even try counting for the Beyond.

The original post has been updated, I hope these changes are an improvement ;3
This is Redcloak, by the way:


Thanks for taking my suggestions into consideration!
Yeah, I do think a bearded vulture would be more suited for a treasure room.
I kinda forgot they existed :sweat_smile:

Made you a bird :smiley:


Awh, thanksh! C: <3
I’m loving the biological accuracy but… the pose is a bit ‘static’ for my tastes.
This is my attempt at the possible troom boss:

It’s a carrion bird made out of carrion!
I was inspired by the vulture initially, but I think this fits the Waste Lands aesthetic a little better ;3

And now I’m left with the problem of which to use .-.


I think the carrion bird fits the dungeon more too


I added a basic treasure room and updated the link on the main post :3
Thanks for reading!


Hey Puffagod,
I love your dungeon ideas, seriously, but I do have one question that would be great if answered by you or any other dungeon idea expert. How do you make the pixelated pictures of the dungeon ground, dungeon enemies, etc.? I know that you created those pixelated pictures because you can’t simply go on the web and find exactly the pictures you are looking for. What did you use to create those images? Thanks.


Most sprite made for RotMG are made here


Pipped me to the post there!
(pun not intended).

It’s a post, gettit?

Aha, ha.



Thanks bro!