The White Bag Thread v2


This was unexpected. Don’t think I even knew it existed – must have glanced at the drop table for the boss but not sure I read its entry. Which is anyway inaccurate. A third UT Waki for my Sammy; will have to play the class a bit more.


From the Crystal Cavern.


Oh, I know. I have had little success there – gotten as far as the boss twice but died or bailed – so never looked closely at any of the drops; except I think the cloak which someone had.


D’aww, come on, you do want that sweet +1 dex when equipping another set piece, right? ;)
It’ll probably be reworked alongside the Cemetery, which is sweet.



literally after




Nice t4 prism bro


First after goodness knows how many Sentrys. Lucky I still had loot potions active from epic chest opening. Definitely the event white I was most after. Just two left I have not gotten, but the quiver I’ve had as winter reskin, and the poison I got from the Keyper.

Which class has the best set of alien weapons?




Lol, no

However, nouns of this type which are proper nouns (particularly names of people) form their plurals by simply adding -s



Also, its proper name would be “Lost Sentry”, not “sentry”.


I used Sentry as a proper name, capitalising it accordingly. So the plural is Sentrys. The plural of sentry is sentries, yes, but that is something completely different.

It’s perfectly normal to shorten a proper name, but it’s still a proper name. E.g. Trump for Donald Trump, America for the United States of America, Avatar for Avatar of the Forgotten King.

Sorry, but, if you are going to be a grammar Nazi, at least know your English grammar !



Fun fact : I was actually telling me “Oh, what if i close my eyes 7 seconds to get a white ? I know i will not get white(s), but just for fun !”

So i did…

loot drop + kendo stick + dirk = luck


Some advice for tokens farming : first get 1 stack of tokens, stock them on a character and wait until you get 9 stacks. Don’t use stacks immediatly, because if you buy a red core and you get a red core just after from malogia, you’ll feel dumb.


i got a WoTF from one of those a little back


yeet no picture because i have a record of dcing from davies but i got the prism today.


@lily Well, a deal’s a deal.


dass og