The White Bag Thread v3


Coral Juice


Is coral juice rare?




What did you get?


Occurs after Thessals bonus dialogue, it’s not 100% and somebody must get it wrong, and even that you’d have to hit all 3 corals.


it was a harlequin armor


great… I’ve been wanting another useless slot filler in my vault storage


I genuinely don’t care that its getting nerfed, I’m super happy!


played not much today, but reward is good


White bags of the week…

Should I feed this?

Prolly my 1st overall Sword Rune.


Sure, I’ll take it.

Use a Doku to get another Doku. Stonks BTW.

Let’s just say… 4/5 of the Puri I got were from Ruthven himself.

I may have missed the Incu Mace itself from the last Campaign, but I did not miss its BP this time. It is classified as S tier. 3:1 ratio for forging.

Except that petless Knight was dead…

Dang it, I had a Halo before but I fed it. Just need to get it back to complete the set.

2 ST’s in one OT, pretty pog.

A.S.S. Nothing else to say.


O3 event is fun, made a war ppe for it and it’s going well



I died on this samu like 15 mins later good thing i didn’t have it on me


How many avas did you have to do before you got tablet?



Played this game for around 8 years and that was my first… You guess.


Hot damn. That must have been exciting.


I startet to play in 2012 and did not get one. So it should drop the next days… :slight_smile:


first oreo