The White Bag Thread v3


Me: Sees UBDex

Also me: Gets triggered when he did not pick that up.

But anyways, great job.


He didn’t even pick up the glife or gmana, and he probably has a million potatos.


More like 20 Magical Lodestones.


Good ol trasheboshi




ogmur, cdirk, jugg, and oreo in 3 days


Ya know I’m kinda starting to hate you



ily too


Another Touhou gal is added for my collection. Eirin Archeress anyone? TY for the skin @Lily.


First Sanc miniboss I beat, second Divine Coronation 8’DDD
Jeez, I’m still shaking…


Wait how’d you get the first one then



Moar whites!



g freaking g


just got an ogmur on ppe out of nowhere




Just got back from a pretty long break, this is one of my first event whites thats not a ray.


casual ogmur

first event white i can actually recall getting so thats pretty pog


2 Tomb Whites; 1 Tomb