The White Bag Thread v3


Aw, I wanted the reskin :expressionless:

There it is :open_mouth:





Im shaking and crying




She legit got a Double White, O3 top(s) and the highly sought-after UBHP WTH??


thank you for stating the obvious




Didn’t expect getting a White from Alien UFO…


well, my wizard died coz I was AFK playing with my dog, started a rogue which is turning out quite orange :slight_smile:


was this before or after the stalk? :smirk:


Huh? This is from today.


hmm, wasn’t u at trading server? perhaps I’m getting crazy on all this grinding :sob:
(1 life for 6 spd)


Dang, I want anointed sooo sooo bad


laughs in getting 3 anointeds before i knew that they were good and dying with them on level 10 characters



Another Shatters white, still no crown! This is starting to get ridiculous. 5/5/0 lifetime. Approaching the insanity of my quest for a Queen’s Stinger Dagger.
Right now I have 6 bee helms and my STs are 2/5/9/19…I even have the other two Forax whites, but no dagger… plz DECA

