Tiered Weapons Resprite

I was dead for a while huh.

Now that I’m back I started working again on my Deus Project, first in line are weapons! Well… not exactly first, lost halls items I did in the past were actually first.

Normally, I would post all tiered items at once, but I wanted to see community’s opinions on pallets or designs, after this post I’ll complete the rest of items before posting again.
Ah, right. There’s probably barely anyone who knows what my “Deus Project” is, its name comes from name of my guild just because I think it looks cool x). So what is it about? My plan is to resprite all of RotMG items, maybe enemies and more in the future to make it into a texture pack accessible to almost anyone.

Well, that is at least the plan, how it will turn out in the future even I don’t know.

As I said above, i would love to hear any opinions you have about those items. <3

I did tiered items resprite in the past, weapons comparison in gif as a bonus!


I know you tried to be consistent with the current items but I would love to see the “fire weapons” all be of similar tier (say T6 right before fame bonus items).
Regardless I love this and great work!


Honestly, if not for consistency with current items I would make weapons from same tier same colors, or at least weapon types (as in melees [swords, dagger, katanas], magic [staffs, wands] etc.).


We can only dream for perfection :sob:

Any plans to respite the armors?


I’m currently working on abilities, next in line are armors.


I think these sprites are very good, but they entirely loose “rotmg” it just feels like a completely different game.
Its a complete revamp on what our tiered items look like, not really that much of a resprite.
Overall, I think some of the color needs work, like the red items should not be tiered, it looks more like a halloween set you could get from haunted cemetary.
Overall very talented, but I would rather have something more “rotmg” I do believe some of the rotmg sprites need resprites, especially shield bullet sprites. But I am very content with how they look! :smiley:


I do wanna say, if you ever get around to doing rings, it would be amazing seeing youre interpretation of T7 rings :smiley: keep up the good work!


I can see your point. Maybe more than resprite I should say it’s more of “what I’d like to see” instead. My idea wasn’t necessarily to just change shading and shapes a little but overall revamp of items.

By “red items” I assume you mean T13’s, right? I could see those dropping from halloween. Honestly I just thought it looks cool and wanted to keep it, and to keep consistency in top two tiered items I used it on the rest (abilities and armors will also use same pallets). I can try some other colors if you have a suggestion here.

Hmm… I have to agree that they don’t have this “RotMG” feeling but as I said above it wasn’t this important for me. Well, general ideas for what the items are, are still from RotMG.


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