Tower Shield


Then how about instead of quiet, it just inflicts you with Pet Stasis for as long as the Cooldown is.

Stunning the player is not the right way to go for this, the higher MP cost, a cooldown that lasts a full second longer than the stun lasts, and the shorter range suits it better.

Remember, you want it to be worth using, but not better/worse than most of the shields.

I’m happy to help.


The sprite is cool.
Maybe shrink the top a bit but it’s vry nice.
Kinda looks like a lighter oryx shield tho.

Idk stats I’ll just leave that to the others


Yeah, I felt the berserk at the end kind of balanced the stun beforehand. Maybe daze instead of stun?


The slowed and armored sort of counteracts with eachother. Yes, you can tank more damage, but you would take more damage anyway for as long as you are slowed. Plus, if you are slowed, it would be harder to dodge enemies that armorbreak, making the armored effect useless. Also, you did not say how long the slowed/stunned lasts as well. And what’s the point of slowing the enemy (making it easier to get away from it) if you will just get slowed as well (making it harder to get away from it)? The slowed/armored on the caster doesn’t serve a very good purpose, and I honestly think that they should just be taken out entirely.

As for the stun, think of it this way. Let’s say that the stun on yourself lasts for 1 second (because I don’t know how long it actually does last). For a full second, neither you nor the enemy can attack, but other people can attack it as well. So, it’s just going to cause you to not be able to deal as much damage. Instead of a 1 second stun on yourself and a 4 second stun on the target, just make it a 3 second stun on the target, and none for yourself.

Sorry for the harsh criticism, but that’s what the forums are for, aren’t they? It’s helpful to hear thoughts from other people as well.


But then the beserk is pointless.


It’s a toggle effect. Stun and slow persist until you release the key, and then the stun goes off. Armored persists after. I see what you’re saying with the slow, though. There aren’t a crazy amount of things in the game that armor break, however. I could replace the immune to armor break effect, but I don’t want to have an OP shield. I think it’s pretty good as is so far as being situational.


Let me reiterate: Toggle daze/slow/armor on self, release still stuns.


huh with a acrop this sheild and the pyra you would have almost 166 def XD


You mean cc and ubdef :wink:

(tho t14 armor/t13 armor and pyra are better when togther than cc and ubdef)


I feel like all the def in the world would be useless with armor breaking in the game.


WHY WOULD YOU HAVE AN ARMOURED KNIGHT THAT’S EITHER OP OR USELESS. Either you take almost nothing from an oryx shotgun, or you’re in godlands and hardly taking damage anyway?


An Oryx 2 shotgun would still do a significant amount of damage and if you got hit with enough he would still be able to one shot you. I would also remind you that you are slowed and stunned, which are fairly extreme nerfs. The entire point of UT items is that they are situational; you would generally not see a character equipped with only a demon blade, for example, because it doesn’t shine in many cases. Such is it with this item. The slowing and stunning would not be nearly worth the armored buff in the Godlands, but during a difficult boss fight, it might be a sacrifice you’d be willing to make in order to land a stun.


Yes, which is why you wouldn’t be using this shield against an armor breaking enemy. The point of UT items isn’t to completely wipe the floor with every other item in the game and render them obsolete.



Jugg isn’t perfect for everything. There are some times where you need speedy. Imo the most broken item is the cdirk (or the slightly better but not a ut eth) if you’re playing rogue. You never need range on rogue.


Not slightly better


Hopefully this is helpful. It was balanced for a different time though, might need some tuning up.


Knight doesn’t need that much def


I will shamelessly admit that this idea was brought back to this forum from your original WS post. Tweaked, but more or less the same. Balanced it for pets.


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