Trivial Issues Thread


Blaming canada!


I mean, their first attempt was successful.


What attempt are you calling successful they haven’t won a war since the 1870s

Apparently there used to a bit of a rivalry
Mainly from the Canadians


The Russians surrendered to them in WWI.


They were having a civil war and decided to end the war with Russia. It would not have mattered if they signed any treaty at all, a few months later Germany lost the war and Russia then disposed of the treaty and revoked any thing Germany gained in it

Not in anyway a victory or a surrender Russia just knew the war was about to end so they were smart and waited for that to happen


Giving up territory to German occupation is an interesting way of waiting.


They may of signed a paper that ceded land to German but they never got a chance to even build a single fence on said land before they had lost the war

And Russia got all the land back it had given up in a mater of a few months

If Germany could of actually beaten Russia they would of walked into Moscow and truly defeated them


I bet it’s our beady little eyes and our flapping heads all full of lies


the civil war was started by germany by germany smuggling lenin into russia

(how did this thread get here?)


You may have brought that soviet in but the Russian people had been on the verge of revolting for a long time the entire empire was very unstable

The war lasted longer then ww1 so germanys involvement in the civil war was a minor one as it would of happened with or without Lenin

Perhaps we make history thread?


History is cool. I say we make it. It’ll help me study for my AP euro exam too :stuck_out_tongue:


It shall be done now let’s not clutter this thread anymore


Since last night, I was dc’d once and from then I am unable to play.


“doggo good boy memes”

“Approximately 613 000 results”

Yes, I agree it’s dumb, I agree video games with too many memes and gimmicks in them are annoying. But then it’s the overuse of memes that should be criticized, not their grammar.

(inb4 “omg doggo isn’t the right way to write dog edit your post at once!!!11111!!!1!111!!!1”)


Fuck memes,

it doesn’t say doggo so im inclined to believe it’s a grammar fault that was not on purpose over being a meme. Least I hope.




Too many


Friendly reminder that we’re talking about the same company that brought us the Ugandan Knuckles pet stone.


Good point :frowning:


doesnt sound like a trivial issue