UT set bonuses should be a thing!


I’d rather see those sets become true STs than to do the fake ST thing like the construction and new Agents of Oryx sets. I didn’t read your proposed stats but +1 to giving them bonuses in general.


I don’t think it’s going to happen. The themed sets have been in the game for a very long time, far longer than ST item sets. Developers have had years to do something more with them, but have not. In fact DECA recently added many new themed sets.

The main objection perhaps is that they are already balanced for where they drop from. In some cases such as Crystal Necromancer this means they are underpowered and easily outclassed by tiered gear. In other cases such as the items dropping from Lost Halls bosses and now O3 bosses the items are pretty powerful. Adding anything to them would make them overpowered for where they drop from.

Oh, and group purification is definitely not coming back, they’ve made that clear.





Errrrrrrrrrrrrr… No


I think this takes away from the whole ST niche a little too much (though really some STs need some serious nerfs but that’s a separate conversation). I like the direction that DECA has taken with some of the Sanctuary mini boss sets, where the individual items synergize well with one another by providing stat bonuses and other perks if a certain condition conveniently provided by another part of the set is activated, though there are certainly other items in the game that can be used to a similar degree with these items. This gives the set more integrity, but also doesn’t interfere as much with the ST niche.

Perhaps some items from these sets you have discussed could have similar ideas behind them?

Also, I’m just going to move this thread to #ideas real quick.


My main problem with this is that if UT sets worked like this, what makes them different from STs? The idea sounds more like converting pre-existing “UT sets” into true ST items, which while I can see it working for a few sets, it sounds absurdly op when given to some sets, more specifically the ones tailored towards endgame


I’m very passionate in giving the themed UT sets some merit (thread I made last year), long before STs came about. Only issue is, STs are Themed UTs with some extra bells and whistles tied to it. Ofcourse, once we get to the point where an ST set gives you three extra attack but only when you’re standing in water and its thursday with up to five other knights around you in January on Wednesday with a bucket of vanilla pudding, looking back to give these sets some juice wouldn’t be so bad.


Personally, the farthest I’d want to go with UT set bonuses would be a 16x16 skin for the player. There’s a reason these items aren’t STs: They’re meant to (be able to) stand on their own, which (as we’ve seen more recently) is not the intention with STs.


Kind of my thoughts. If there weren’t those 16x16 skins, I almost definitely wouldn’t collect st sets and just handpick whatever I wanted to use for it’s utility. I’m more in favor of an aesthetic change than an actual rework for the ST’s.

On that note, that does blur the line between those items being UT and ST… so the definitions of what is what isn’t could get blurry if that changed.


Also true, but if there had to be bonuses that’s where I’d draw the line.


That’s how I feel about the UT sets.


I did wear the coral huntress set once because I had all 4 pieces, and with the exception of the ring, I didn’t have anything better that I wanted to use, and I was rapidly running out of vault space. I think it does with the bee trap showing in my graveyard, though. (It was my first character to completely solo closing a realm and it’s event bosses, as a fun side note! ^^)

I think the only other time I had a fun color collection (not a true UT set) was my “blue priest” with a Recomp, Prot, Dragon Silk, and a UBMP.


I read that wrong. What I meant is that the UTs are neither useful nor fun when treated as a complete set. Perhaps Shat/LH sets are worth getting (I wouldn’t know) but the ones mentioned by OP are definitely not worthy of completion. Some of them only have one item worth considering. I also don’t bother completing Mad Lab, Magic Woods, or Davy Jones sets.


Oh, I understand what you were trying to say now. ^~^


I like this idea! Totally implementing it into a game I’m working on.


shaitan skull: I would like a word with you
necro literally broken 1k+ base hp with puri (group) and lifesteal


Never had one to try out, but I would imagine having four enemies in range of its small radius of effect happens pretty rarely, especially not when it would be most useful in boss battles. I.e. they left it in as it’s never been a reliable group purifier, compared to e.g. Tomes.


I thought it was a little weird that it’s was preserved, but your point is the conclusion I came to. Most of the scenarios groups use for purifying render the skull robbed of close targets, therefore negating its main utility.


I’m against this idea because it blurs the line between what’s UT and what’s ST.

In my opinion, they shouldn’t even have made the full UT sets after LH was released and later the O3 ones.

UT sets were converted into ST for a reason (as new items came out, not that UT sets were actually converted into ST sets). The only UT sets prior to all the post-LH UT sets were sets before ST existed, but that eventually led into the creation of ST sets that offered special bonuses (starting with reskinned tops (Original Oryx Set) that evolved into something more unique).
UTs should be standalone items that you use in conjunction with other items to make custom sets, while ST sets are supposed to be worn all together, giving you a boost and to be used a certain way.
Since UT sets were a relic from the past that got reused more recently, we now have a lot more UT sets but I’m not a fan of them honestly. Not because the items are bad (some are very good items) but because they feel like an ST set without bonuses. Most of them rely on each other in some sort of way, which shouldn’t be a thing for them. Sure they can be used by themselves but they will work better together.

Centaur’s Shielding for example: Works great if you have paladins around or any other source of healing but if you’re alone, it’s no use unless you carry a lot of healing consumables with you at all times. Not to mention most classes that have healing capabilities with their abilities aren’t even leather classes. The only 2 leather classes that can use this by themselves without consumables are Huntress, with an ST ability and of course, the “UT” ability of the set, the Star that gives you healing upon use.

I’m fairly certain that if this star wasn’t part of a UT set, it wouldn’t have had healing as one of its effects.


Jojo stands in a nutshell


stat bonuses

also deca can’t sell them in misery boxes