What does a star mean to you?






Thanks for reminding me of this point

some white stars actually play the game addictively to get stars instead of fame training


Forgive me if I’m wrong but I believe that the two trains would take 4.761904761904762 hours to meet.


yeah you are right since 15+27=42 and 200/42 is 4.76…


I got to dark blue star a looooooong time ago.


Which jump in star color grants the most new respect?

  • Light blue --> Dark blue
  • Dark blue --> Red
  • Red --> Orange
  • Orange --> Yellow
  • Yellow --> White
  • White --> Legend Glow

0 voters

Additional option. Can’t edit poll after 5 minutes:

  • None. I treat all players equally regardless of star rank. What the hell is wrong with you guys. How are you going to go and make DISGUSTING joke about people with depilating diseases. Do you get off on that stuff?? Thats disgusting. You all have so much privilege you don’t even know what to do with it. How do you all have fun taking and making joke about the holocaust an autism?? 6 MILLION people died and you’re going to go and disrespect all of them. It’s just wrong. Especially the Down syndrome jokes. Do you all even know anybody with that disease?? No probably not, but news flash they are the sweetest people I know; and clearly a lot nicer than you all


There should be a none option.




Dark blue to red in my opinion.

When you are a blue star pretty much all of your comments are brushed off so the jump to red can help even if some players can still be rude about where you are.

Althought light blue to blue can be considered a big jump considering one ever listens to light blue stars.


I’d rather see a dark blue star thinking he’s good at the game than a red star talking smack .-. but that’s just my inner thoughts xd


I’m sure not every red star talks smack.


I just respect no one as everyone is trash at this game so hey :slight_smile:


Sometimes specific white stars try to make you salty so idk \ (-- --) /


I prefer to retain my rank as a dark blue xD


What about those light blues with 5 stars and exclusivly play like wizzy or something


If you unlock ninja with realm gold, you can main ninja and be a light blue star.


I never said all red stars talk smack oh my lord. If you read closely you can see that i have the letter “a” before the red star <_<


Sorry I must have mistook what you were trying to say.

I must admit I’m still quite unsure what you were refering to. I should probably ask first before replying.

Now that being said, would you mind explaining to me?


Nah not really, you’ve earnt your respect by rushing like a fucking god bro, some dank chars too. Rip that rogue