What would you think of a boss-oriented end-game dungeon?


That’s mainly because of the fact they’re dull, and don’t really have any flavor or technique needed to do them.

Blueberry Phase is just “sit still and shoot enemies while the priest heals you”.
Marble Colossus final phase is just “move around and let the priests heal you”.


There isn’t any situation where dodging is fun because it always spells death if you fail


People don’t even move in the Blueberry Phase at all. They’d rather leave it 100% up to the Priests, which makes it what it shouldn’t be.


Why? In ROTMG it’s about survival. You live, you get loot. You don’t you die. That’s how the game works


That’s not how the phase works, though. Phases are meant to have players do something specific in order to achieve their goal of getting loot, or die in the process. In that phase, Priests completely throw out the objective of the phase altogether.


Isn’t that the new thing they’re replacing the areana with?


That’s just putting all the other bosses together in an order, though.


What. The whole point of the phase is to survive. Not to dance or whatever.




You do whats most efficient. You break the rules to do whats best. Thats how society works, especially this game.


its not breaking the rules… its bending the rules :smiley:
wait howd i break the rules?


Actually it’s using priests for what they were meant for, however quiet shots make that harder


As pointed out, that’s what priests are used for.


Even then, it completely breaks the phase. With that in mind, people still die to the super fast sanic lasers regardless, and they completely just put their life up 100% to the Priest, making no attempts to dodge.


omg u guys have been arguing over this for like a day


What. Where are you doing your lost halls.


Not on topic anymore. Cutting the cord here.


(he lied)



Just for you.


This is going nowhere.

Why even make this thread in the first place? Just make your dungeon and post it, then we can tell you what we think about it.

This thread was doomed from the start to go off the rails. The premise is just way too vague.