White Star Giveaway! [Closed]



My best experience was getting an orb of conflict on a duo shrine using a lvl 13 knight xD




My best realm experience was when I got the magic mushroom, which is very,very rare, from a gray blob. But, since I had no idea what it wasā€¦ I ate it and got drunkā€¦ :sweat_smile::sweat::cry:.


Username JLTheBeast! (Obviously)

Best experience was when i got both leprechaun whites in a row! (Back when they first came out.)




My Best Experience Was Getting 4 Whites In 1 day. They were a Bulwark a Fulmi a Dbow and a Harleyquin and it was the first of each one.


PixelBun:The time I got red star :stuck_out_tongue:



I was fighting janus once, and someone said, ā€œrun through janus, no ballsā€ and since i aint no pussy i did and he said ā€œo shtā€ and traded me 4 huntsman skins for free.

btw gg on white


Remove my submission, I do not support giveaways from hackers.




H0w D1d u g3t a r3su s0 3r1y!?
(1ā€™m m0r3 Scury)


are you joking?




I got my first Dblade then sat on a green potion


lmao you had so much hp pots


I remember I made an assassin for the first time cause I was bored and I realised somethingā€¦ Its my fav class I got loot with ease and overall it was fun I remember I did my first lost halls sentry with a group of assassins and I got the white bag with.


First one, yes
About the lost halls, no.
Actually got 3 whites in 2 consecutive lhs



congrats on getting the whitestar :slight_smile: how long did it take you?
My best realm exp was honestly when i got my first white bag wich was dbow.
I was so exited i nearly cried haha :smile:


IGN: Ttffotort, My best Realm experience was getting my first spirit dagger.



My favorite experience in realm was back in 2012 or 2013. I was in my first year of middle school and some random guy in my class introduced me to the game. We would play it in a class called ā€œorganizational skillsā€ when the teacher was not paying attention. I had just started out and would click away from the tab whenever the teacher came around. A bad boi i was. The teacher, named ms Root was always on the lookout. One day she came around without me noticing and saw me playing realm. I was expecting a scolding but instead she was startled and told me her son played this game obsessively and she had gotten to know the ropes. Well what happened is she took my seat and began to play realm. She entered a sprite world and even though I was afraid she would die on my only character, most likely 0/8, she was really good at realm. Somehow it was her who obtained my first white bag, an EP, and after that i stopped playing realm in her class. Instead i used type 2 learn cause that was what we were supposed to be doing.