Wicked Robe of Ceaseless Sorcery


rip eyes also name is too long remove wicked and it will be fine


All of you saying stats are meh, WELL, i’s a cyan bag.
Really change sprite tho. Good for Gland farming and pet feeding.


Sorry, but i agree with Pedrodark. This sprite, unlike any items so far in the game, is way way wayyyy to bright and it gave me cancer too. We can be cancer buds pedro xD!


Dude ur not even trying with sprites anymore, your old ones were decent, these are just bad, like I understand being a not so good spriting, but you don’t get worse, your old sprites were way better.

  1. More shadings
  2. This have bad collors
  3. You just take t13 and change the collors
  4. Must have orginal shapes


As the lovely @PisakPL stated, there are way too many overly bright colours and contrasts. Besides that, I repeat aforementioned again: it’s a reskin of the T13 Robe.

For the stats, while unique, it’s somewhat lacking, in my opinion.
Compared to the Robe of the Grand Sorcerer, you sacrifice 4 ATT and 1 DEF for 65 MP, which is not quite what most Robe classes need.
However, besides that, I guess you could maybe use this on a Necromancer if your pet isn’t a very high level in MP Heal yet…?


you need better skills


I like the sprite (cuz it reminds me of yume nikki ツ ) but stats are meh,


I wasn’t able to retain the ‘neon’ feel of the robe, sorry. Feel free to use it if you would like.


It is made of Glow stick?


lets be chemotherapy pals :smiley:


Ugh, fine. Nobody likes my posts. Nobody likes my sprites. Nobody likes my ideas. I’ll spend some time out of the Forum and think of new and better ideas for a couple days (or weeks). I’ll ask a few Regulars around for tips and advice, and I’ll spend much more time on my sprites.


i mean, no one can like your things if they’re bad


Let someone start a GoFundMe “teach gammagamer to sprite” on a serious note this is sick, good job on making a unique sprite that fits with rotmg.


You don’t have to take a break, just don’t post idea after idea with no real thought, just take a little time and go over these steps.

  1. Do You like it
  2. Does it reflect what You am trying to acomplish
  3. Does it fit with realms style
  4. Is it unique
  5. Will the community find this attractive
  6. Are you proud of what you made.


The sprites… slow clap


Fix your English please


Thanks to AceKiwi for the new sprite.


Looking back again, the sprite by @Acekiwi (who should probably be credited in the post itself, too (; ) is very well made.
The description is just stunning, too. I adore it, and don’t think I could ever outperform something like it.

As for the stats (revisited), it’s pretty decent. 120 MP is nothing to scoff at, it’s a good amount. Even if you sacrifice a point of defense for it.
However, I do think the lack of attack should be made up for a bit. By maybe adding a nice chunk of HP, for example. More of a defensive robe that also focuses on MP, to kind of counter-balance between Shendyt and Soulless.


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