You like crowns? Join our guild [FellowshipOTMG]


I don’t hack and I got 8 dungeon chars + a ton of keys.
Send me that invite bb :slight_smile:


Fame REQ is 8K for a limited time, was 10K. Must be social, have mic, and discord.


Mic? Yeah!
Discord? Yeah!
Dungeon chars? Yeah!
Shatters knowledge? Yeah!

5k fame? FUCK


A 4/8 is a good dungeon char. Maxed spd, def, dex, att.


I can make fame exceptions for people who open keys, message me on realmeye for approval.


If you would like to apply msg EmperorPoo on realmeye! ( Mean a private message )


I currently have a 4/8 wiz almost 5/8, but based on personal experience it seems like they’re pretty useless in most endgame dungeons without pierce ;(


Hi can I join???


How much alive fame do I need for you to invite me and kick Trev :heart_eyes:


Lol, contact emperor :stuck_out_tongue:


i have 5k account fame. WINK WINK


Mic and Discord? Check.

Dungeon chars? I have an 8/8 knight and huntress, gonna insta 8/8 a ninja or pally once that char slot comes in, Check.

Shatters experience? Check.

10k fame? Do I have to run the train now?


don’t worry, you have to have 5k fame to even be in their TrainOTMG with their ConductorOTMGs


what i dont get is that there are some players in the guild who haven’t even reached 5k, assuming that they arnt mules or close friends. Is the fame thing really strict?


I’m interested in joining, currently have 14k total fame and 14 8/8’s, and I have discord.

i’ve done around 600+ shatters so far, managed to get 3 bracers, 1 gem, 3 crowns


Contact emperor poo


They met the req at their time of joining


welp, looks i got a long, long 6.5k more fame to go.




it would have been easier if i had more char slots so I don’t have to run my knight and huntress into the damn fame trains…