You like crowns? Join our guild [FellowshipOTMG]


A 4/8 is a good dungeon char. Maxed spd, def, dex, att.


I can make fame exceptions for people who open keys, message me on realmeye for approval.


If you would like to apply msg EmperorPoo on realmeye! ( Mean a private message )


I currently have a 4/8 wiz almost 5/8, but based on personal experience it seems like theyโ€™re pretty useless in most endgame dungeons without pierce ;(


Hi can I join???


How much alive fame do I need for you to invite me and kick Trev :heart_eyes:


Lol, contact emperor :stuck_out_tongue:


i have 5k account fame. WINK WINK


Mic and Discord? Check.

Dungeon chars? I have an 8/8 knight and huntress, gonna insta 8/8 a ninja or pally once that char slot comes in, Check.

Shatters experience? Check.

10k fame? Do I have to run the train now?


donโ€™t worry, you have to have 5k fame to even be in their TrainOTMG with their ConductorOTMGs


what i dont get is that there are some players in the guild who havenโ€™t even reached 5k, assuming that they arnt mules or close friends. Is the fame thing really strict?


Iโ€™m interested in joining, currently have 14k total fame and 14 8/8โ€™s, and I have discord.

iโ€™ve done around 600+ shatters so far, managed to get 3 bracers, 1 gem, 3 crowns


Contact emperor poo


They met the req at their time of joining


welp, looks i got a long, long 6.5k more fame to go.




it would have been easier if i had more char slots so I donโ€™t have to run my knight and huntress into the damn fame trainsโ€ฆ


"Oh this is a great guild and I meet all the requirments!โ€œ
Sees fame requirment
"But Iโ€™m sure there are other guilds!โ€


see somewhere up there โ€œfame exception for dungeon openerโ€


hi i would like to join your guild