Etherite Dagger (Rev. 25)

Etherite Dagger Spooky Sparkle
Etherite Dagger: Made of a strange metal not known to the living.

Tier: Special Theme Set
Damage: 116-214 (Average: 165)
Projectile Speed: 19
Range: 4.0
Rate of Fire: 109%
Stat Bonus: +4 VIT +4 WIS
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 500

Drops From:

Part of the Skuld 2 The ReGhostening set.
This item was released via the Alchemist and does not yet drop from any enemies. If the pattern of previous special themed items is followed it will eventually drop somewhere in the Haunted Cemetery

When the entire Skuld 2 set is equipped, the weapon projectile changes to:
Spooky Sparkle

While having the strongest damage and an increased fire rate (even greater than the Dirk Of Cronus), the small plummet of range is what nerfs this dagger. It also gives an additional +4 VIT to the user, something that the Dirk of Cronus doesn’t have, equaling a total of +4 VIT and +4 WIS. Most dagger classes, if you will risk it, can risk 1.6 range (depends on your dagger) in exchange for the heavy DPS. If you have a Rogue though, then it will fall into the correct hands as they can cloak in without too much fear, and get in closer.

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