Experimental Ring (Rev. 26)

Hivemind Circlet An early prototype ring.

Tier UT
On Equip +60 HP, +60 MP, +4 DEF, +4 VIT
Fame Bonus 4%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power r00

Loot Bag Assigned to Cyan Bag
Drops From Dr. Terrible
Horrific Creation

A long time ago, believe it or not, this ring was not worth wearing.

Now, it is one of the more useful rings and it is fairly easy to obtain, despite its UT status.

The ring’s bonuses to Defense, Vitality, Health and Mana make it a fantastic all-around ring for increasing survivability and are a go to for squishier classes, although the balance of stat bonuses are good for all classes.

Many refer to it as the poor mans Ring of the Pyramid, a rarer UT, even though it shares more stats with the Ring of the Nile and the Bracer of the Guardian. The Ring of the Pyramid, which provides a larger health and attack bonus which can be seen as benificial to classes such as the Warrior, Archer and Ninja who do not require the mana increase. However, all players that cannot obtain a Pyramid easily should gravitate towards this ring and its healthy bonuses.

Before recieving a buff, its stats were: +45 HP +45 MP +1 DEF +1 VIT +1 WIS