Pet Eggs (Rev. 3)

[Rarity] [Family] Egg: A [rarity] [family] pet egg.
[Rarity] Mystery Egg: A [rarity] egg of an unknown pet family.

Pets are dropped by enemies in the form of eggs, often in the egg basket. (They can also be purchased for Realm Gold.)

Eggs come in fourteen families (and the Mystery variety) and four rarities. Once acquired, eggs can be taken to the Pet Yard and hatched. Hatching an egg produces a random pet of the specified rarity, with three potential abilities.

Group Drop Locations

Common Pet EggCommon Lesser Gods
Gods of the Realm
Uncommon Pet EggUncommon Lesser Gods
Gods of the Realm

Dungeon Eggs

Eggs containing certain types of Common pets can drop from particular dungeon bosses.

Sprite Star
Lil’ Ghost
Peppermint Snail
Tamed Werewolf Cub
Demon Frog
Sea Slurp
Tomb Snake