Animated Items (My Take)


Bloodshed%20Ring%20(Animated) Battalion%20Banner%20(Animated) Flames%20of%20Genesis%20(Animated) Polarity%20Poison%20(Animated)
I know that someone else made animated items before, but I went for a different approach and made simpler animations. I also stayed faithful to the style of item sprites and originally animated in 8x8 before increasing the size so that I could add the outlines. I’m not going to animate every single item since that’d be tedious and wouldn’t look great for items that don’t really need animations to look cool. Feel free to leave feedback, although I probably won’t come back to this idea that much.


I love these sprites you’ve animated. One thing I would say is that it would probably get quite distracting when trying to dodge to have your attention constantly pulled in one direction where your items are. Maybe this could be used when items drop in white bags to give a bit more of a wow moment? Like a cdirk bag could have a particle effect on the dagger, an ogmur could shine etc


I was thinking that this was just a cosmetic option you could toggle on and off in the settings, the same way you can disable unnecessary particle effects or drop shadows in-game. And like I said in my post, it’s not something like shiny items where each and every item needs this cool unique cosmetic look; it’s just an add-on that could make the game more lively if you want it, and is pretty inoffensive if you don’t.


It would be pretty nice seeing them animate for a second or two on proc or activation based items.
That way it’s not distracting and there’s an additional indicator for when a proc effect happens


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