Dark Lord


Staff Of Devastation


Tier UT
Shots 1
Damage 200–225
Projectile Speed 18 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.475 seconds
Range 8 tiles
Amplitude 1 tile(s)
Frequency 1 cycle(s)/shot
Effects Shots hit multiple targets
Rate of Fire 110%
Fame Bonus 6%
Feed Power 1000

Loot Bag image
Drops from Working on a new event boss in the realm, Dark Lord

Which staff sprite is better? Staff%201 1Staff%202 2Staff%2033
The dark lord will drop 1 other white, I will be working on both, the dark lord spawns one time per realm. He will also drop a portal to new dungeon.

  • 1Staff%201
  • 2Staff%202
  • 3Staff%203

0 voters


So a one shot staff with low fire rate. I see that you added an amplitude, but not a frequency. If you want it to make sense you need a frequency.


I would honestly remove the Rate of Fire reduction and change the damage to 115 - 190.

This will easily always lose to tiered staves. Cosmic does 60-100 per shot with 2 shots and 100% Rate of Fire. This does 110 - 130 ÷ 2(due to 50% Rate of Fire), so it is around 1/4 Cosmic’s damage.


Does one cycle per shot (see OP) mean that it goes left then right and back to the center once every shot? Just want to make sure before I post


I would believe so. It goes from the middle, to then left, then to the right, then back to the middle to dissapear.


In that case, this staff is horrendously underpowered.
No easy to aim shot pattern and less damage to cosmic for no other benefit.


buffed the fuck out of it now


I’m no dps master so I can’t really tell you much but now it looks alright, although the amplitude should be a tad larger.


Woah, that’s op. 1 shot is much easier to hit than two, and it pierces enemies, AND it does more damage. No drawback to using this at all. You need to change fire rate to maybe 60% to 75% (idk I’m not that great at balancing)

EDIT: Someone get a DPS graph please so that I know if I’m right.


I don’t have to look at one to tell you it’s busted and invalidates needing Staff of Esben even more.

@InfamousX Small suggestion: Reduce the Rate of Fire to around 80% and remove the pierce. It’s already very powerful like that, but not broken.


Portal of Darkness



Teleportation Disabled

It suppose to lock away a strange foe who has the power to kill and consume with darkness, who was soon contained by Lord of the Lost Lands sent by oryx and lock it away forever in this prison and now it awaits any hero to challenge it, the Dark Gladiator…
Drops from Dark Lord
Layout: Boss%20Room
The Dark Gladiator


He was a great warrior who fought for good during the great war, but soon to be corrupted by void entity.

Base HP: 200,000 (+5% [10,000 HP] per player in dungeon)
DEF: 80
EXP: 7,500
Level 20 Quest
Immune to Stasis
Immune to Stunned
Immune to paralize
Counts Towards God Kills
Dark Lord Bullet
Speed (tile/sec)
Range (tiles)
Plasma Shot
Speed (tile/sec)
Range (tiles)
Dark Pierce Bullet
Speed (tile/sec)
Range (tiles)
Evil Bomb
Range (tiles) -
Big Blast Shot

Speed (tile/sec)
Range (tiles)
Blast Shot
Condition Effects
Sickness for 4s
Speed (tile/sec)
Range (tiles)
Phase 1
The pathway is closed, so once you entered the boss room the other room you start is closed. He starts to shoot Blast shots around him, similar to encore puppet master.
After doing damage, he moves on to the next phase where he shoots Big Blast Shots with Evil Bomb. He throws only 3 bombs, 1 each to the closest player. The Big Blast shot are similar to oryx but he shotguns it up to 3 per 2 secs. Once you dealt the amount of damage, it activates Phase 2.
Phase 2
You have come to challenge me? Fools, you only seek death…
He shoots 3 Plasma shots with Blast Shots, careful in this phase as it sickens, best to have puri/geb priest to help aid you. Than comes the dodging phase, he will shoot tons of Dark Pierce Bullets with Big Blast Shots, you must move as the shots rotates with shots like machine gun.
Don’t be surprised you survived, I deal with you right now…
Phase 3
He throws Bombs but up to 8, it could stack so be careful, soon to start shooting blast shots around him.
Phase 4
This is his TRIGGERED mode, he will move upward toward the wall. He Shoots every shot except bombs, Instead he uses Dark Lord Bullets, aiming for the closest player.
Phase 5
Noo, I can’t be defeated. You all will… SUFFER!
He also starts to regen 10 hp per 4 secs. So you have to give everything you got to defeat him. He also shoots 3 dark shots like shotgun, like Puppet Master in encore on his rage phase, as well throwing 5 Bombs with 2 Big Blast Shots. Be careful as this can actually killed any 8/8 class!
Death Phase
This can’t be, I can’t be defeated! My power is stronger, how…
He explodes with Blast shots, easy to dodge but it was a final attempt to kill any low players.
image Weapon_T11 T11 Weapon Ability_T5 T5 Ability Armor_T12%20(1) T12 Armor
Ring_T5 T5 Ring yJRLCqv T13 Armor z5N2lD4 T12 Weapon
imageimage Potion of Life image Potion of Mana
image 639c02eaffaa717b20700f3b8f27798371402443 Helm of Darkness Shield%20of%20the%20GladiatorShield of the Gladiator
Edit: forgot to edit this lol


i never knew portals could drop loot


that is what makes this portal special


t13 armors and t12 weapons aren’t red bags btw

Boss looks alright, play around with it, I think the color scheme is a little odd.

Good ideas tho


8 days already and haven’t finished it, sorry if you guys are waiting. Got stuck with tons of work… I will try to finish it on time, maybe finish it. But for now I’ll be working on it


yeah I came back to this, went to finish it up. Still WIP, lmao all that time. I forgot to add some stuff but I finished some of it. So np guys.
Yeah, 2 months later. Don’t worry about it.


Would recommend taking out old tops and just leaving wc tops because the difficulty of this dungeon makes it seem like a lot of work for a skysplitter sword.

Also would say make it guaranteed def for everyone plus 2 guarenteed mana and a guaranteed life.

Otherwise good work!


Is anyone gonna mention that a priest or sorc with st. abrahams can out range everying but the bombs which only exist in one phase


yeah I am gonna edit the range to 10