Did they actually like my idea? [Tricorne of the High Seas]


Looking at this relatively new (at least to me) ST Helm, it reminded me of my quiver idea from a long time ago. Though there aren’t many actual similarities in stats, it does confuse as to why it was a helm rather than a quiver or something for fitting.



Well, we’re talking about a Pirate King set. Cannonballs are both Dreadchump’s and Jon Dilfwater’s signature attack.
Technically moreso the Ghost Ship’s, but you get my point -w-


You know I had heard somewhere that Dreadstump was a Dreadchump, might be wrong though. :pirate_flag:

I really am not a fan of the ‘get hit to make the thing fire a bullet’ so I wish OP’s idea had been done instead of the cannon hat (where even does the thing fire from??) so many questions!


Edit: I probs should credit the image that I found off Google: ‘Cannon Hat’, artist ScottC, website: https://www.scottc.com/about


Well, I question how the Crystalline Kunai manages to triple itself!


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