Divine Dragon [ST Archer Set]


also that armor seems WAY too good for a light armor class, maybe 80hp?


Whole set looks out of place for this type of game, a dragon as a skin is cool but i cant see that as a character, looks more like a boss or enemy, quiver looks like a shuriken. attack animations and different angles for the 16x16 sprite is missing.


I agree with @JohanCen , as cool as itā€™d be to turn into a dragon it doesnā€™t make much sense. Maybe instead, you can change the sprite into an adventurer, some sort of dragon slayer. I see the quiver as a fine sprite, since itā€™s not really meant to be a quiver but a draconic spirit. The celestial gemstoneā€™s sprite reminds me of the moon shell from Terraria so thatā€™s pretty neat. I believe the armor should be dropped to +90 HP, thatā€™d balance it out a bit more. The bow is solid :ok_hand:.


I think the currently posted total bonuses are a little too extreme (and also incorrect).
+120 and +80 add up to 200, not 195. Even if you deducted 5 hp from that total, itā€™s still a huge amount. 27 defense is also way too much, especially if the defensive bonuses are meant to gear towards adding health and not damage reduction.
Heck, 17 defense is what the hydra gives, and given that most players opt for HP instead of Def rings on archer, the set would still be great with a total of 17 defense, so long as the HP bonus remains above 180.
IMO you should balance out the dexterity and speed bonuses; decrease the bonus and decrease the penalty. +8 Dex and -8 Spd sounds better. Itā€™s neither a ridiculous increase in DPS nor a speed handicap that prevents you from reaching O2 in the Wine Cellar before he dies twice over.

The sprites look great.


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