Helm of the Grand Warrior, (Still in development)


Thank you so much!


Helm of the Grand Warriors

A helmet used by many great warriors to defeat Oryx, the power of their spirits inhabit the helmet itself!

Still in the making

  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 95
  • Duration: 5.5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 6.5
  • Range: 4.5
  • Effect: Berserk to All, +100 HP to all, +50 mp to all, Sick to self?
  • Stat Bonus: +50 HP, +7 DEF
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
  • Feed Power: 900


Another version of the original helm of the grand warriors,

The list of new things in this:

The list of effects have changed in the speedy to self and armored to all

There is a new sprite for it that I plan on improving if it needs to be that is

The cooldown has been reduced to 6.5 seconds

and the 900 fp


so the helmet shoots a shot? and the sprite needs some work


Thanks for letting me know


Cooldown is way to low, it’s the same as the duration which means you can perma-buff. (Cooldown takes effect when you use the ability, not when it ends). The range is almost 2 times that of the Jugg, and the effects make it a basically a jugg on steroids. Needs a good amount of balancing, but the basic outline of the sprite looks good, just maybe some color changes. I do like the little horns though.


This is basically a direct upgrade to jugg. UTs are sidegrades to begin with… I would honestly prefer your previous iteration. Also, just edit your post and title next time, no need to create a whole new thread


Armored to all? Holy hell! JEsus christ! This is more overpowered than the last one! It’s basically a better version of the jugg. Holy hell, NO.


lmao imagine jugg effect to everybody


tf Im a red star


re-login. You’ll get it updated.


Do I need to fix the sprite though?


The sprite’s base shape has potential, but the coloring still needs work. Try drastically varying degrees of hues for shades. If they don’t fit, you can just change them anyways. 2 colors or 3 means that there are 2 or 3 base colors, but hues for shading can go up to 3-5 per color!


k tanks man


Anything that directly affects another player in a potentially negative way is a no-no.

Speedy to all is dangerous if the other player isn’t expecting it - and there’s no reason to expect you to suddenly run 1.5x as fast when you’re busy dodging; the Avatar strikes me as a good trolling location.


And I’m just wondering…are you a professional artist? You sure seem like one


Sadly, no… My father is a graphic designer and my sister has a degree in Visual Design Communication, so some of their knowledge has rubbed off on me. Plus, I am their unofficial assistant.
I can do jack squat on creating photo-realistic pictures like ones you can find regularly on Deviantart, so no… I’m not that good at painting.

Thanks for the assumption, though. That was very flattering!


the sprite needs a lot of shading. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha I thought you were, but that is very interesting


Yeah Im working on it right now