Hide of the Masochist


I think OP has just posted the wrong equation, as referenced:

Yes, damage over 100 is a guaranteed heal. However, you’d still be taking over 80 damage anyway (net). Yeah, I wasn’t sure with the heal thing how to balance it.

If damage over 100 is a guaranteed heal, then the proper equation should be:

EDIT: Equation is correct


Still lurkin around, hmm?


first time looking at ideas or anything game related for a few months


Here a sprite, not the best I’ve made but I tried to make it look like a cult robe with blood stains


that could mean so many things…
idk it seems interesting


Me: "What does “masochist” mean?
Google: "A person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation."
Me: …


So…for this armor, what does Masochist mean? For me to make a sprite for ya, I need to know what that is.


what more do u need?

basically they like self pain, the best friend of the sadist. like torture sex would fall under masochism, or if you like the feeling when people beat or inflict harm onto you.

uhh pg13?

speaking of torture sex, an interesting sprite would be some kinky sex tool suit thing.


well maybe he wanted this to be worn by robe classes or something


Make it like a vampire perk. It would be cool if every successive hit healed for 1 Hp, maybe 2? Just try out that idea. It would make the ninja safer. Just an idea.


Sorry, there’s just a misunderstanding. What I meant to say is that the percentage is equal to (for example, if you were hit by 100 damage after defense) it would be 100/100, or 1. I messed up the wording a bit. The percentage is the damage you take.


This seems like it would be very overpowered for late game. If you are consistently getting hit by greater that a hundred damage bullets you would always heal 40 of that make basically making the bullets deal that much less. So this armor would actually giving 40 def against bullets with greater that 100 + your defense. Even if you are just god lands farming and few of the shots deal you 50 damage that is a lot of heal. Now you would have a 50% chance 40 health so we can divide that by 2 to make it 100%. So basically on average you will be 20 damage from every shot that you take that does 50. Plus the fact that this armor has 10 defense meanings that in high damage scenarios it will block off a lot more damage that any other armor. This would also be a great method of blocking armor break shots like Janus, however, it probably be a switch out just because it doesn’t have any offensive stats.


Wait so for dmg over 100, you have 50 def, and for stuff under it, you have a lower chance of having 50 def?..cool…



Not too bad, fits in fairly well id say


Ah wait, you’re right. The initial equation is correct.



No just no armors are not for fuc*** healing armor adds stats bonuses!


I think it’s rather boring to have a UT idea that’s merely a combination of stats. Yippee, we get +4 vit or something.


No, why u think thats some ut need healing effect or something its just no good if special effects were be good deca will add that armor but this will never be added


Oh, darn. My plan has been ruined!